The Grass Though

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I wake up the next morning with fearful thoughts. The meeting is today, today I will know what job I get. I can't even name how many things could go wrong while it happens.

What if I can't be a runner? What if I have to build stuff with Gally? I don't know what I would do, probably smash my head into a wall.

What if I get thrown in the Blood House? I would definitely somehow 'trip on a rock' and die. It's kinda funny knowing how I would take drastic measures for these kinds of hopeless things. 

Someone knocked on my door, stopping my flow of fluid thoughts. "Come in." I said. Minho opened the door and walked into the room with a stride of pride. Curiosity strikes at me, wondering what Minho has to say or offer.

"Oh, mighty Minho, what do I have to offer you in this fine day?" I say, getting out of my comfortable bed. "Wow, what a greeting," Minho mutters, "I came to tell you that the meeting for what job you'll get is in a couple minutes downstairs. Be ready." I blink. "I will."

Minho starts to walk out, but stops, grabbing the door frame. "Em," He says, using a new nickname for me. "There's going to be a bonfire for you tomorrow night." "What's a bonfire?" Minho turns around, waking back into the wooden room, his boots smacking against the floor.

"Every greenie has a bonfire, it's like a way of saying that they are officially a part of the Glade and its terms. It's nice, gladers get drunk, dance, there's food provided by Frypan, just don't get too close to the fire." He laughs.

"Um, it sounds like fun. I'll be ready in a minute." With that said, the boy walked out of the room, not granting my silent wish of closing the door behind him.

I sigh and run my fingers through my pretty clean hair. Ordinarily, my hair is fairly decent when I wake up. I make my right part perfect and comb through my hair, my fingers taking care of the knots that were provided.

After, I sigh once again and walk out of the room, closing the squeaky door behind me. The hinges need oil, but I doubt the Glade has any. The box needs a lot. The floor boards creak under my black shoes as I walk slowly.

I'm not feeling... right. Like I know something bad is going to happen today, but I don't know when. I get to the meeting room. Chairs are set up in a semi circle, one chair stands in the middle. I assume that I'm the one sitting awkwardly in the middle.

No one is in the room yet, so I take a seat, confirming my spot. Soon, Minho strides into the room, taking a seat at the end of the sea of chairs. "Hey, Amelia." He says, giving me a friendly wave. "Hey." Minho stops trying to get comfy in his chair and meets my eyes, going still all over. "You okay?" I nod, looking down. Deciding to push later, the Keeper of the Runners falls silent.

Soon, everyone piles in. Every Keeper sits down, each taking a certain seat. The leaders, Alby and Newt, sit right across from me. "Greenie, no talking until I tell ya." Alby tells me flatly, void of emotion.

Every Keeper talks, saying their opinion about which job I should get. Eventually, two people are left. Minho and Gally. Minho stands up and gets straight to the point. "I nominate this shank to be a runner. Starting tomorrow." A small smile grows on my face. My happiness is short lived.

Gally's eyes widen. Then, his face turns red, like the tomatoes Newt is growing in the Gardens. He stands up quickly, jabbing a finger in Minho's direction. "Oh, no way. It isn't happening. She's to stupid." It's my turn for my eyes to widen.

Then, without thinking, I stand up, disobeying the rules I strictly got told. "You shut your mouth, asshole! It's not up to you!" Gally's head whips to me. He growls and sits down, knowing he can't win a fight against a girl.

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