Mystic Mayhem

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Chapter 4

"So um Cannonballing into a pool huh?"  I say

April rubs the back of her neck and smiles

"I'll invite you next time" she laughs awkwardly

"April aren't you gonna introduce us?" The orange turtle says

I turn my attention to the group of turtles and smile shyly. April turns towards them and starts to name and point each turtle out.

"This orange ball of sunshine here is Mikey" Mikey excitedly waves at me and his bubbly energy helps me relax a bit. "This big red teddy bear here is Raph" Raph gives me a small smile with one fang sticking out which I find adorable. "This is-" Before she could finish the blue turtle jumped in front of her and grabs my hand and kisses it. "I'm Leonardo the most popular turtle" He chuckles. "And well...this is Donnie," she says awkwardly pointing to the purple turtle that's busy typing away on his tech gauntlet.

I quirk a brow at her and look between the purple turtle and April. I get an idea, pulling out my phone I shoot a text to Othello.

Me: Would I look better in a lavender shirt or a violet one?

I quickly send it and side eye to see the turtle's reaction. Luckily for me, his phone was on ring and he almost jumps out of his skin while he tries to answer the phone. Trying to hold back a laugh I watch as his green cheeks dust with a shade of pink. That was then I knew I had my man...turtle...

"Ah hah, I knew you sounded familiar Othello Van Ryan," I say while crossing my arms.

"Har har, you caught me. What do you want a medal?"

"Nah your expression was enough of a win for me"

He starts to sputter and waves his arms about trying to think of a rebuttal but I cut him off.

"So you guys are the ones that have been on the news recently, nice to meet yall in person."

"Yea we're like internet famous...." Mikey shouts and a bead of sweat rolls down the side of his head when he sees his brothers glaring at him.

"Which is not a good...thing?" He continues

I chuckle a bit and smile at the group.

"Well, your secret is safe with me".

"Alright crew time to hit the court, let's have some fun. Donnie, can I hitch a ride?" April says

"No Probabls" he says while activating his purple protective shell thing.

"No way!! I say excitedly (Picture your pupils turning into stars from how awesome that looked)

Everyone jumps off the roof while Donnie hovers, I jump off behind them but it seems like Raph became distracted by something because he crashed into a brick wall. He points to a weirdly cute creature that is shivering from fear we all jump down to investigate. After Raoh attempts to make friends with it and proceeds to claw to oblivion, the little jumps into April's arms and locks her affectionately. I walk over giving it some neck scratches and it runs its head into my palm.

"Awwwww" I instantly pull out my phone to take a picture of the little guy. All of a sudden some freakishly huge men with baby carriers on their chest with puppies appear. The turtles hide behind April and me and seek to go over a skit of sorts for when they encounter humans. But sadly that didn't work out for them, especially with Donnie's awkward one-liner. I couldn't help but face Palm from secondhand embarrassment.

"You do not intimidate us with or without your fake earth voices," one of the thugs said

"That was actually my real voice," Donnie said with his arms crossed

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