The Future

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3rd Person POV

Everywhere you looked there was fighting, explosions, and The Kranng Army advancing ever closer. A Turtle was injured, holding a picture of a happy family,  no longer a teen but a man who has seen so much destruction and death. Leo is being held up by a young boy. Running and pushing forward, no turning back it hurts too much.

"I've got you Sensei," The boy says

"You're a lifesaver, Casey Jones," Leo says out of breath

"I learned from the best. Come on, we're almost there." Casey JR says lifting his mask up

New York 2044

The Kranng Army has gotten stronger and grown in numbers with each passing day. Not even the military withstood their undying assault.

From behind the duo mutant kranng dogs chase after them but they are stopped by Mikey, the youngest turtle now looking like the oldest with hair but has balded at the top.

"Bad dogs" Mikey shouts

"Impeccable timing, little brother. Very dramatic."

Casey JR places Leo down to assess his master's injuries.

"Help him, Michaelangelo. He's hurt bad."

An explosion not far away is heard with a familiar "Boo-yah".

Down jumps another turtle clad in a torn purple lab coat, goggles no more but a glasses visor sitting over his eyes, and an angry red scar crosses his face, an upgraded turtle shell adorns his back, and the now hidden sun reflects off a silver band on his finger, a wedding ring?

"The first group of Kraang have been dealt with but more will come. And Aqua is handling the second but I don't know how much longer she can do it. What's the plan?" Donnie says.

"Where's Violet?" Mikey asks

"Right here!" A small female turtle appears from behind some debris and dirt.

"We've got more Kranng coming fast, westbound and eastbound. They are taking out The Resistance left and right." The young turtle worriedly.

"That's it. The resistance failed. The Kranng won. But...but it isn't over. We've still got ninjas' greatest weapon...hope. That and a badass mystic warrior. Mikey, we need a time gateway. " Leo says while turning his attention to his younger brother.

"It'll take everything I have."

"I know but this is our last chance. It's our only chance"

A sound that shakes the ground, a figure falling from the sky at super speed crashing into the area beside them. Donnie goes to check it out, removing the rubble a hand emerges, a familiar one with a similar silver wedding band.

"Aqua?!" Donnie shouts as he desperately removes the rubble.

A little assistance is given when pink tentacles push the rubble off her to reveal a half-mutated woman.

"You can't get rid of me that easily" She chuckles and groans while holding her side.

"Whatever you need to do, you need to do it fast," Donnie says while bracing her as she stands.

The young female turtle rushes over to Donnie and Aqua making sure the older woman is OK.

Mikey starts to make a portal and Casey looks on confused and scared.

"Casey listen, the Kranng first came to our planet through a Mystic doorway. The key that opened the doorway looked like this." Leo flips over the picture, draws on it, and hands it to Casey.

"Why are you telling me this?"

"Because Mikey's about to send you....and Violet back in time to the day the key was stolen."

"Wait he's gonna what?" Both Casey JR and Violet say.

"The people that stole that key opened the doorway for the Krang. You two have to find it before it happens. Find the key, and stop the Kranng."

A huge Krang suit stands before them.

"They found us!" Casey JR says

"Mikey!" Leo shouts

Mikey was successfully able to open to portal but at a cost. A blinding gold portal is left in the wake of Mikey's sacrifice. No time to mourn the loss.

"I'll hold them off, go kids...GO!"

Aqua using her last ounces of strength pushes away from Donnie to use both her powers to rip it to shreds. Her eyes glow a bright blue, her body hums from the amount of power she is using and her body illuminates. Leo pushes Casey into the portal and runs towards the battle-attacking Krang soldiers, but a red beam blasts onto his body and disintegrates him.

"No!" Shouts Violet, her eyes wet with tears.

"Ugh," a wet cough and droplets hit the ground turning. Looking down Aqua sees a tentacle piercing through her chest stabbing her mutant heart. Body slowly falls, tears falling as she smiles at the two turtles she loves so dearly. Her body crumbles to the ground, warm blood puddles around her, and her powerful glow dims, lifeless.

"Aqua!! No, no, please no!" Donnie shouts as he cradles her, stroking her short hair, a flash of a memory.

"Why are you cutting your hair babe?"

"It's too much to manage and besides it gets in the way when I kick your ass, so I can't see your look of defeat"

"Scoff, come here you"

A kiss and memory gone

Tears streamed down his face, placing his love gently down to the ground, closing her now lifeless purple eyes. Walks over to the young turtle and hugs her tightly not wanting to let go but knowing he must. Putting a picture into her utility belt, pulling away stroking her tear-stained cheeks.

"Live for us"

Falling that's all Violet felt, falling further and further away from him.


The portal closes, and the purple-clad turtle returns to the woman holds her close, and closes his eyes while holding the hand that bears the ring they share. Accepting his fate, soon they will meet again...

Author's Note

Sorry for the extremely late update, I've lost a bit of inspiration with this fanfic and was thinking of not finishing it. Haven't had much of a spark. If you'd like me to continue this fanfic give it a like or reply. I read all your comments, I guess I need that extra push. Love you guys 💜

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 08 ⏰

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