Ninja Squad Part 2

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Chapter 11

*Fast Foward*

"No contact! Where are my kids?" Splints shouts as he paces back and forth.

"If only I had a clue as to where they are. Someone send me a clue. "

A bright purple portal opens and outfalls April.

"Anything, a hint a whisper,"

April's muffled calls for attention go unnoticed, and so do her thrashing movements.

"A well-timed crash" Splints goes to investigate this well-timed crash and sees it is April, and she's tied up.

He sits her up. "Do not worry, I will free you with my helping toe,"

He lifts his leg, exposing his disgusting long a** gangrene nail, and uses it to remove the gag from her mouth.

"First off, ew, second off WERE DOOMED! Draxum captured the guys and Aqua!"

April explains that Draxum demands the last piece of the armor Splints has.

*Purple Turtle transition 🐢💜*

The boys are locked in a cage hanging several stories high in a cave of sorts that's under a creepy castle tower. (What is it with villains about cold, dark, and dank-looking caves, huh? Also, the tower is giving Lord of the Rings vibes. Anyway...)

The guys go over what went wrong, and the word grandchildren is thrown around. 😳 Oh boy.. but Raph quickly changes the subject.

Maybe we didn't stay true to the Hamato ways, but Dad taught us that wisdom is within us. We need to focus and meditate deeply, and our path will be revealed.

"Oooooouuummmmmsmuuuaaaahhh" (idk). The boys look back at Donnie annoyed.

"Sorry, could you guys hear that?"

*Inside the Saruman, the White looking tower *

Draxum is lying on a massage table with Papa Brutus, giving him a relaxing massage. Under the table is a glowing circle with symbols that emit mystic energy.

"Another excellent idea of mine, bathing in the mystic energy, will give me the stretch to wield the dark armor," Draxum says

Papa Brutus continues to massage Draxum, but when he hints at his legs, being jealous of not getting attention, Papa Brutus almost loses his cool.

It's for the greater evil, the greater evil...." Papa Lui says," Trying to calm him down. 

*A few hours prior* 

Unbeknownst to both my dads I was completely helpless being locked in some sort of med bay, several cameras facing me and a red light signaling they were actively recording strapped to a cold steel bed, with a bunch of cords connected to my head recording my brainwaves, a heart monitor, and vials of my blood were placed in a small biohazard fridge if I showed any sign of resistance or use of my powers I would be shocked not like a dog collar or tazer shocked. More like, it sends you to the pearly gates and back kind.

"You can't hold me here forever. My friends will come and save me, and they'll kick your wanna-be sheep butt!" I yell defiantly

"OH, I doubt it, but even if they do escape, they won't be able to recognize you." He chuckles darkly as he releases an Oozesquito

⚠️Trigger warning description of horror, seizures, blood, and disgusting transformation stuff ⚠️

I struggled with my bindings and tried to call upon my powers but to no avail. Hit tears stream down my face as the pain of the bite and the ooze flow through my bloodstream. But the unexpected happened. My body started rejecting the ooze, and I started to seize thrashing harshly against the table. A horrible gurgling sound comes from my mouth, and froth starts to form at my mouth. Soon my pupils turn fry9 my sclera turns yellow, my teeth sharpen, bones break and reshape and my torso sprouts purple tentacles that throw themselves about the room violently breaking glass and punching holes into the walls and floor, as I scream from the excruciating pain the sound turns into something I don't recognize it felt like another voice was coming from within me. Several of the cameras were knocked over, but a hidden camera remained untouched.

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