Snow Day and Trauma

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"Snow day, hurray so magical and new. There's so much we can do! " Raph sings while pushing a huge ball of snow down a hill

"Snow Day no training only fun, We've only just begun! I'm glad I'm here with you!" sings Leo while also pushing a huge pile of snow down the same hill that ends up rolling onto a slide and landing on Mikey while he's making snow angels with Mayhem.

"Snow day hurray! Barometric pressure is so low but my heart is all aglow! Revenge up my TECH BO!" Donnie sings while using his tech bo chain saw to cave a Jupiter Jim snowman.

"Snow Day! Our snowman is the best, Jupiter Jim fans will attest.
Oh Me Gosh, My coats a VEEEST!" Mikey sings while adding some accessories to the snowman and the sleeves of his coat fall apart thanks to Donnie accidentally cutting them off.

"Snow Day! Hurray! We all should be so proud! Snow Day! All together sing out LOUD!" April and I sing together while sitting on Raph's shoulders to place the space helmet on the snowman's head.

"SNOW DAY! HURRAY!", we all sing together

"Great job fam and Donnie I guess," Leo says sarcastically

"If I wasn't so enchanted by our replica of Jupiter Jim I would probably say Look over there PUSH!" Donnie says while pushing his twin into the snow

I laugh hysterically and end up falling into the snow. Raph puts up a flag from his favorite Jupiter Jim movie which almost immediately gets shut down April and Donnie. They then suggest their favorite movie but Leo, Raph, and Mikey laugh at the suggestion. Mikey brings up the fact that they only laugh during the opposite's favorite movie because of Raph's hard cranium-breaking stuff as he falls asleep.

"Yeah, my head takes damage like a boss! Leo hit me!" Raph says confidently

"Oh please let me!" Donnie says while turning his Tech bo into his rocket hammer.

Leo and Mikey tackle him, I fold my arms and pout a bit because I kind of want to see if Raph's claim is true.

"Wait a minute Aqua hasn't said which movie she likes," Leo says while smirking

Everyone turns their attention to me and I flip Leo off for stirring the pot.

"Look guys, I don't have a favorite movie-" I say but I'm cut off by Mikey

"It's ok Aqua we know our movie is your favorite" Mikey says while pulling me into a hug.

"Uh nuh uh, our movie is her favorite" April says while squishing me in her bosom.

"Can't breathe April" I muffle while pulling away

One of Donnie's claw hands from his Tech shell pat me on the head, "It's ok you don't have to say it out loud l know in my heart where your loyalty lies" says Donnie

Little did we know Ghost Bear was still holding a huge grudge against the Turtle brothers and seeing us having fun and our light-hearted arguing he decided to try and sabotage our snow day. Put of nowhere a snowball hits Raph hard and he starts accusing Mayhem of being the culprit. Which causes us to mutually agree on a snowball fight to settle our differences.

"Yes last player standing gets to fly their team's flag," Raph says

"Ok, we're up for a friendly game, no safe base, no weapons, NO MERCY!" April says menacingly as I Crack my knuckles.

"Guess I'm on ] team, which is the winning team" I giggle

Donnie uses a mechanical claw hand to grab me and place myself next to himself. I blink a few times and look at him, while Mikey lists off-limit types of snowballs.

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