Hug it Out Its Thanksgiving

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"S.H.E.L.L.D.O.N!" Donnie yells from the kitchen

I'm getting ready for my shift at my new job at a Famous Lou, Mike Tony, Tony's Pizza! I can't believe I missed pizza week but stupid school got in the way of a very eventful momentous time of the year. Thankfully they left me a few slices when I got home after swim practice. Anyway, I'm pretty excited to have a job again and start having money of my own.

My mind has been going crazy with training in private, what transpired with my future self, and my very complicated feelings for the purple terrapin. So I decided that a job would help distract me and calm my mind...I hope. A plus is that April will be working with me and a double plus is FREE PIZZA.

Back to Donnie screaming S.H.E.L.L.D.O.N has been acting a bit well teenager like and it's funny to see Donnie lose his cool a bit with his robotic son. Putting my hair in a ponytail and adorning my work hat on my head making sure my uniform is in tip-top shape before leaving my room.

Entering the first floor I look up at Donnie and can practically see the steam shooting from where his "ears" are. S.H.E.L.L.D.O.N zooms past me the wind from his drive by taking my hat with him, quickly chasing after it and joining Mikey and Donnie near the skateboard ramp.

"What's up, guys?" I say while putting my hat back on.

"Ugh it's S.H.E.L.L.D.O.N! I just upgraded his operating system to version 13," he says while pinching the area between his drawn-on brows.

"Ah 13, feels like yesterday he was a twinkle in your toolbox," Mikey says

"Yeah, and now he's a pain in my shell
He charges til noon, he's always coding back to me, and now he's drone racing all over the house! I don't know what to do" Donnie says annoyed

"S.H.E.L.L.D.O.N is at a delicate age. You need to nurture his spirit or you'll drive him away" Mikey says while snapping his fingers and the screen changes to us to the projector room and has Donnie and I sitting in chairs.

"Good morning I'm Doctor Feelings, welcome to my seminar 'Hug it out'" Mikey says while introducing one of his Doctor personalities.

"Wait when did you change into that therapist outfit?" And how did we get here?  I say confused.

"Doctor Feelings, I thought you were "Doctor Delicate Touch," Donnie says while air-quoting the last part.

"Doctor Delicate Touch feels NOTHING," Doctor Feelings says in a pretty creepy tone.

My question not being answered I shrug and watch the seminar.

"Lesson one! Because I said so is not an answer, you need to learn a healthy way to express your feelings to your family" Doctor Feelings continues in a therapist tone.

"Yes,, cold, hungry, sleepy" Donnie says uninterested

Which causes him to receive a smack on the head with Doctor Feelings pointer.

"No, feelings like anger. Remind you of someone?" Doctor Feelings questions as he puts up a picture of Donnie and S.H.E.L.L.D.O.N arguing

"Noooope" Donnie says sure of himself

Doctor Feelings brings up another picture on the projector of Splints scolding Donnie then he flips back between the two pictures. It finally clicks in Donnie's head and he begs Doctor Feelings to teach him the way.

"Of course, right after we move onto the next part of my seminar," Doctor Feelings says

"Huh?" I question

Doctor Feelings moves to another projector prompt and it reads 'Confessing ones romantic feelings'

Doctor Feelings clears his throat and continues. "Now my students I will now have you two complete some role-" he's cut off by Donnie and I

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