Chapter 2

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"So how was your night lovebirds?" Lena teases, as she walks into the kitchen.

"If you must know," Alex says grabbing her and Sam's empty plates and heading towards the sink. "It was wonderful." Alex beams a massive smile, making eye contact with Sam who's matched her expression. "Is Kara still asleep?"

Lena nods, as she makes her own plate. "Thanks for breakfast, Sam." She hugs her friend taking Alex's place beside her at the kitchen table. 

"What?! How'd you know it was Sam??" Alex gasps, completely offended that her best friend didn't even consider her as a possibility in making the food. 

"I've tried your cooking before and the only thing you don't know how to burn is coffee," Lena points out, while Sam laughs nodding. Alex face turns red from embarrassment.

"Well, we can't all be trained in the kitchen unlike some people," Alex wraps her arms around herself and squints at Lena. 

"Sorry my mother wanted me to be a glorified housewife until I showed an interest in science," Lena defends herself, turning back to her food to eat pancakes.  

"Don't worry babe," Sam walks over to her pouty girlfriend. "I'll teach you," She leans on her shoulder and places a quick kiss on her cheek, making Alex's pout vanish instantly. "By the way it's almost noon so you should probably wake up Kara." Alex sighs and nods before heading upstairs.

"So, what happened last night?" Lena turns to Sam with her infamous eyebrow quirked up, and a slight smirk on her face.

Sam blushes, "Well when we were looking for Mike, Kara came barreling into the kitchen pretty pissed off. And well, Alex just kissed me for the sake of not getting caught," Lena gave her a knowing look. "And we had overheard how pissed Kara was at finding you, so we both didn't want to risk getting busted so we made out until she left. Then after we got back we talked about it and confessed our feelings." Lena feels a little envious at how happy and blissful Sam looks talking about Alex, as if she hung the moon and the stars. Could someone ever feel that way about me?...

She pushes her thought aside and beams a smile towards Sam. "It was about time. I was getting worried that I'd have to lock you two in a closet in order to confess." 

"I'm good, being out of the closet is much more spacious," Sam jokes, causing the both of them to erupt in laughter. Kara bolts inside the kitchen filling her plate and beelining to the table. Lena and Sam look wide eyed at the girl who's eating like it's her last meal.

 "Don't eat all the pancakes, Kara!" Alex scolds her sister as she comes into the kitchen, looking sternly at the blonde.

Kara looks up, mouthful of pancakes, "Oops." Laughter fills the room, Kara swallows her mouthful, "Did Mom leave for work already?" 

"Yes. She said she'll be back in time for game night, though," Alex confirms, before hesitantly walking closer to the table. "Speaking of game night is, uh, Mike coming?" Lena's face tightens at his name, her smile completely disappearing. Sam holds her clenched fist under the table to try and subtly calm her down. Kara is unaware of the thick tension in the room, oblivious at how quiet the room had gotten. She was too wrapped up in how delightful the breakfast tasted. She recently learned drinking made her extremely hungry. 

"Um, he should. I'll text him," She pulls out her phone and smiles when she clicks his contact photo. 

Kara: Hey babe, Are you coming over for game night?

His response is almost immediate, making Kara's whole face light up. Alex's stomach falls, knowing that it won't stay like that for long.

Mike <3: always. lmk when

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