Chapter 9

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Kara was nervous about attending the Gala Alex had just called her about. It had been a little over a month since her and Lena had talked. 

"Do you think Lena would mind if I brought Kate? I don't want to be a third wheel to you and Sam," She hesitantly asked, not even wanting to think about the idea of Lena bringing someone, that thought made a frown appear.

"Of course not! I gotta go little sis, I love you and I'll see you soon!" Alex said hanging up the phone after Kara got out a quick 'Love you too!'

Does she even want to see me?? What do I even say to her? Should I say anything to her?  Why am I thinking about Lena anyways? She sort of forced my hand about coming out to my sister and then refused to talk to me again!

Because you care about her... Her mind contested.

"Babe? Something troubling you? Who's Lena and what are you bringing me to?" Kate's soothing voice breaks her out of her thoughts and she smiles at the sound. She takes her girlfriends hand and intertwines their fingers. Kate rubs her thumb across the blondes hand. 

Kara squints her eyes playfully, watching her girlfriend drive as they head to Lucy's house. "Lena is Alex's best friend," She purposefully excludes her brief affiliation with the aforementioned brunette, seeming as how they are no longer acquaintances anymore. "And that depends..." a smirk plays at her lips, "How well do you clean up?"

Kate furrows her brows, "You'd be surprised how well I pull off a tux." A warm feeling shoots down to the blondes stomach at the thought of her girlfriend in a tux. 

"I guess we'll have to find out," Kara says planting a kiss on the brunettes cheek as she begins to tell her about the Gala.


It's now the day of the Gala, a weekend before Christmas. Kara was absolutely buzzing with nerves. She'd never been to a fancy Gala before plus it would be her first time seeing Lena in months and the first time her and Kate would be on a double date with her sister. She was currently pacing in Alex's room at her apartment while everyone else waited in the living room, except for Lena. 

Which, according to Kara, seemed oddly perfect timing that the minute she came into town the brunette mysteriously had other things to attend. She knew it was probably overdramatic to be angry about a minor thing but she thought their friendship had meant more. She had at least expected Lena to respond, especially after her heartfelt thanksgiving message. And yet, still silence.

Alex came into the room, stopping Kara in her tracks. She gaped at the blonde who hadn't even gotten dressed yet. "Kara! How are you not even ready?? We need to leave in a few hours, why aren't you ready?" 

Sam came in behind her sister, she was partially ready, only needing her to put on her dress. "Alex, calm down. I'll help her get ready," The brunette instructed and she knew Sam noticed the strenuous loose threads at the bottom of her cardigan, her dead giveaway when she was anxious. She was slightly grateful only Sam noticed and not Alex, she couldn't handle an overbearing sister talk. 

Alex left as quick as she had entered the room. "What's got Alex so worked up?" Kara tried to divert the subject away from her bad habit. She sat down at the vanity, watching Sam in the mirror come up behind her to help with her hair.

"Well she's a little freaked out probably because I had asked her to meet my daughter," Sam quietly revealed  with a hesitant smile.

Eyes full of shock, but overjoyed at the new fact, "Sam! You have a daughter! How come you never told us before?!"

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 06 ⏰

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