Chapter 8

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"Soooo how'd it go?" Lucy's excitement radiates from her small body as her grip tightens on Kara's shoulders while they walk through the hall.

"Which part?" Kara hisses out as she enters her locker combination. "Hanging out with Lena and then her ambushing me to come out to my sister or coming out to my sister, who apparently already knew.." Kara sighs into her locker, shaking her head.

"Wait, back up. She did what?" Lucy crosses her arms, her jaw tightening. Kara can see the venom in her eyes and her stomach drops with guilt.

Maybe I shouldn't have mentioned anything to Lucy...

Kara pulls out her phone even though she knows there's no reason for it. Lena still hasn't answered any of her texts. "Hello gorgeous," Kate plants a short kiss on Kara's cheek. "Lucy, what's got you all fussed?"

Kara slightly jumps at the unexpected affection, but turns to give her a smile before giving the shorter brunette a pleading look from behind her locker door. 

"Just some stupid thing James did," Lucy flashes a fake smile. "You know boys..."

"Fair enough," Kate says convinced, tilting her head in agreement. "Love, how'd this weekend go?" 

The excitement in her voice makes Kara's stomach turn, feeling remorseful for only giving her half of the truth as to why she visited her sister. The first bell rings indicating a few minutes till homeroom starts. Lucy disappears with a wave and smile of good luck. Kate wraps her arm around her shoulder as they walk to Kara's homeroom, a new routine for them. 

"This weekend went really well actually, Alex apparently already knew about us," Kara giggles. "We weren't the most subtle at my birthday party..."

Kate smirks as they stop in front of the blonde's homeroom. "Well I can't resist a pretty girl and if I'm remembering correctly," Kate points a finger at the younger girl. "You made the first move."

"Oookay," Kara blushes, feeling the heat creep to her face. She pushes up her glasses. "I blame the alcohol, but I don't regret it." 

"Good," Kate smiles before tilting Kara's chin and planting a short kiss as the second bell rings out.

"And that's your cue to go before you're late," Kara says as she lightly pushes her away, a goofy smile displayed across her face. 

"Bye beautiful!" Kate yells as she runs, definitely late for first period.

"It's so refreshing to see my friend in love" Winn says dreamily as Kara takes her seat next to him.

She freezes, "In love- No, no, no. Kate and I are not in love. We've only been dating for a few weeks not even officially."

"Okay, okay," Winn raises his hands in defeat, clearly overstepping. "Maybe not in love, but you definitely seem happier with her then you were with Mike." 

Kara bites her lip as she reminisces on the differences between her former and current relationship. "Well it's certainly different-" 

Before the blonde could continue, their homeroom teacher shushed them. The two shared a knowing look that they'll pick up their conversation later. 

The day goes by quickly and soon enough Kate is taking her home after cheer practice. The car ride is filled with comfortable silence, the warmth from Kate's hand on her thigh is sending all kinds of butterflies in her stomach. 

Her hands are much softer compared to Mikes'. Plus she's so much more attentive, and it feels like she actually cares about my interests...

"What are you thinking about?" Kate asks, tapping on her leg.

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