Chapter 5

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It was dark and she didn't know where she was except she was sitting down. Suddenly a spotlight casts down, blinding her. "Hello?" She called out, raising her hand over eyes to try and see beyond the light. "Is anyone out there?"

No answer, but she heard footsteps coming closer. She couldn't see a face, but she'd recognize that silhouette anywhere. Long legs came into view, the slits in the skirt gave a brief glance at the toned thighs underneath. "Kara? What's going on?"

The blonde didn't say anything, only a low chuckle escaped her lips as she stepped closer to the brunette. Lena could feel her heart hammering in her chest, something in her brain screamed at her to get up and run, but she couldn't move. It was as if she was glued to the chair. Kara walked further into the light stopping directly in front of Lena, who felt a lump form in her throat. the blonde looked exactly like she had prior to her performance. The red lipstick against her lips that begged to be smudged. Lena opened her mouth to speak, but her words failed her.

Kara looked down at Lena who felt helpless. A mischievous smile tugged at the corner of the blonde's mouth, "Did you enjoy the show?"

Lena furrowed her eyebrows, not wanting to give away how much of an effect the blonde had on her, "I don't know what you mean."

Kara rolled her eyes, leaning down so she was at the older woman's eye line. "Don't play dumb, Lena." The tone of her voice made Lena shiver, she closed her eyes briefly. It was confident, with a hint of authority, close to her own when she had to discuss Luthor-Corp business. "I see the way you stare when you think I don't notice." Lena feels her heart pounding even faster,  she does her best to remain calm on the outside, but on the inside she was a nervous wreck. Shit. Have I been THAT obvious?? No there's no way.. Is there?...

When she opened her eyes, she let out a sigh of relief that the blonde was no longer in front of her. It was short-lived until she felt hands on her shoulder and a hot breath in her ear. "You enjoyed watching me out on the field. Tell me. Did you?" Lena was quiet not wanting to answer, until the hands around her shoulders gripped tighter. "Answer." Kara's bossy tone really did something to the youngest Luthor.

"Y-Yes," The brunette answered softly with a ragged and shaky breath. If Kara hadn't been right next to her head she may not have heard her. Lena hated how her voice sounded, she cleared her throat. "Yes." God, normally I'm the one taking charge. What is going on?...

"What did you think?" Kara had moved to the right side of the girl. Lena knew Kara was baiting her, but yet she couldn't stop herself from answering.

"It was, uh... entertaining..." Lena sputtered out, feeling the blonde's faint touch at the base of her throat, moving her hair to the left exposing more of neck.

She felt the blonde's lips ghosting over the skin below her ear, "Just entertaining?... Hmm, for someone with a minor in literature I was expecting a more articulate answer. What has the great Lena Luthor at a loss for words?"


Lena cleared her throat again, trying to regain some of her lost composure. "Kara, what's going on? What would Alex think of this?" At this point deflection was her best friend. The blonde walked to front of her chair, except this time her hands were on Lena's knees as she bent down to meet her eye line. Lena steeled her expression as she stared into ocean blue eyes that were inches from her face. She did her best to even out her breathing, not wanting to give the blonde the satisfaction of how she was affecting her. This was dangerous territory, but Lena wasn't about to back down from a challenge.

Kara stepped forward, moving to straddle the woman, her eyes scanning down from Lena's eyes to her lips. The brunette ignored the heat that shot down her body once again. The air left her lungs as she felt the blonde on top of her, lustful blue stared back into her own. Kara's hands made their way to wrap around her neck, pulling her closer until their faces were centimeters apart. "Do you really want to talk about Alex right now?" Kara's lips ghosting above her own and the brunette couldn't look away. She watched as Kara's tongue instinctually wet her lips. Lena's resolve crumbled at the slight tug of hair at the nape of her neck. Kara smirked, watching as Lena's eyes grew dark with want. "That's what I thought." Before their lips could meet Lena woke up in a cold sweat.

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