Chapter 4

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Throughout the week Kara has been super stressed with the upcoming performance, avoiding Mike, and making sure everything's flawless. Alex has noticed and tried to intervene, but Kara has promised her she's fine. The blonde's few stress relievers have been her morning runs with a certain brunette, movie nights with her family and Lucy's encouragement. The youngest Lane always made sure Kara knew she was doing amazing, seeing as the routine is out of the blonde's comfort zone. Even Winn sat in on an earlier performance and the young man was practically drooling. Lucy slapped some sense into his hormone filled brain and he eventually sputtered out some compliments for the blonde.

Kara has caught her temporary raven haired roommate writing, but Lena has been keeping things very hush hush. Anytime the blonde has tried to ask her about what she's writing the green eyed beauty quips back about her routine, which inevitably ends the discussion with Kara turning red and going back to do school work. If anyone were to ask the youngest Luthor on how she felt about the youngest Danvers she'd only attribute her to being her best friend's little sister, but a small part of her was growing a fond of the effervescent blonde. Lena found herself smiling anytime the blonde smiled at her, she couldn't help it. The blonde had a unique effect on the Luthor and that scared her half to death. She didn't want to get close to the blonde at all, but something inside couldn't help but gravitate towards her. Not to mention Kara was relentless in getting to know her, just like Alex had been, maybe it a Danvers thing.

Unfortunately for the youngest Danvers Friday came all too soon and to her surprise Lena had woken up before her. Kara sits up in her bed and rubs her eyes before looking at Lena with wide eyes. "Come on, Little Danvers. Don't back out on me now, this is my last early morning run with you." Lena chucked a pillow at the blonde before heading down stairs. Kara smiles, but its quickly replaced by a frown at the realization that Lena, Sam, and Alex would be leaving this weekend. Her optimism reminds her to make the most of it, so she gets ready fairly quickly and meets the Luthor downstairs. The pair quickly runs their regular routine except Kara runs a bit further, reassuring Lena that she was fine only wanting to clear head.

When Kara returns to the house after her extended run, she walks into her room without knocking and is met with a shocking site. "Oh my gosh! I'm so sorry!" Kara exclaims, her hands flying to her face covering her eyes. She had walked in on Lena half naked with only a hunter green lace bra and jeans. Kara couldn't deny the raven haired girl was very very attractive, but that didn't confuse her, she knew when others girls were pretty just like Alex could spot an attractive man even though she doesn't see men that way. What confused her was why she wanted to look again.

Lena chuckles, "You're fine. I'm decent now." The blonde lets out a sigh of relief, but also a twinge of disappointment. She shook it off and walked over to her dresser to get her clothes for the day. "Do you need a ride today?"

 Kara opened her mouth to reply, but her doorbell rang. The two women shared a look of confusion, and Lena followed Kara downstairs to the door. Kara opens the door to be met with another surprise. "Mike? W-What are you doing here?" She eyes the man curiously noticing he's holding flowers. Well that's sweet, but it doesn't make up for anything...

Lena stands at the bottom of the stairs with an icy glare and her arms crossed. Mike clenches his jaw when he makes eye contact with the Luthor, but he takes a deep breath and reverts his gaze back to his girlfriend. "I've realized I haven't been the best boyfriend lately. So I'm here to change that," He smiles his usual charming smile that normally made Kara's heart swoon, but now it was a feeling of dread. "I, uh, I got you these." He holds out the pinks Lillies for Kara to take. "I'm also here to take you to school."

Kara carefully takes the flowers, inspecting them. "Mike, do you know what my favorite flowers are?" Lena smirks when she sees the man falter.

"Uh, those are. Aren't they?" He scratches the back of his neck nervously. "Pink Lillies, right?"

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