Chapter 3

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T/W: Homophobic slur mentioned

Monday morning came too fast for the blonde's liking. The next thing Kara knows, her alarm is going off at 5am to go on her morning run before school. "Kara turn it off!" Lena groans, hating waking up early if she doesn't need to. Kara quickly gets dressed and walks over to the other side of the room. 

"Come on! Run with me," Kara begs, shaking the older girl trying to annoy her into going running with her. 

"Go ask Alex, I'm sure she'll enjoy being tortured." Lena says covering her face with the blanket, trying ignoring the younger girl.

"No she's with Sam and I don't want to disturb them. Who knows what they could be doing," Kara says contorting her face in disgust at the thought. "Please Lena, just today and then I won't bother you for the rest of the week."

After a few minutes of contemplation, and the blondes endless shaking, she gives in. "Fine. Fine. Give me a few minutes." Kara smiles, heading down stairs to stretch. Lena changes into comfy clothes and borrows a pair of Alex's old running shoes before heading downstairs. "Why do you insist on this torture?" The Luthor asks as she reaches the bottom of the stairs. 

"Because it helps me stay in shape for soccer, and it clears my head. Plus I can't do it after school, I have cheer." Kara explains while doing some warm up stretches and Lena just stands there baffled at the girls extracurriculars.

"How far will this torture session be?" Lena asks, already regretting her decision.

"Only a few miles. I promise you'll feel better once it's over with." Kara smiles as they walk out of the house, locking the door behind them. 

"I can think of another thing that requires a lot of stamina and is far more pleasurable," Lena grumbles. Kara does her best to keep her blush down, but fails. Luckily she starts her run ahead of the older girl so she doesn't notice. 

They ran three miles total. Kara was surprised that Lena had kept a good pace with her and didn't fall behind. When they arrived back to the house Kara discarded her shirt, only leaving her in a sports bra and leggings. Lena almost choked on her saliva at the sight of the blonde's extremely toned abs up close. How could anyone not be into her? She's fucking hot! Nope. Nope. Little sister of your best friend, do not go there...

Lena shakes her thoughts and heads past Kara to the kitchen to grab some water. On the outside she kept a good pace but on the inside she was absolutely dying. All she wanted was to collapse on the couch, but she needed a shower first. Kara headed upstairs to shower and get ready first. When the blonde heads back to her room, she sees a text from Winn saying that he can't pick her up. "Shit."

"What's wrong?" Lena asks, as she walks into the room. The Luthor is surprised at how fast the blonde was able to get ready. 

"Do you think you can take me to school? Winn normally takes me, but he woke up late and can't make it," Kara explains, as she stuffs extra workout clothes into her cheer bag for later.

"Yeah I can. When do you need to be there?" Lena asks, she silently hopes she can at least have a shower first. She felt disgusting being all sweaty and really didn't want to ride in the car like that.

"We can head out in about 30 minutes?" Kara offers. 30 minutes should be enough time to get to school on time...

"Perfect I can shower," Lena says sounding relieved and gathering her things. 

Kara chuckles heading out of the room, "I'll meet you downstairs." Kara makes herself some eggs and bacon and leaves a little extra for Lena, thinking the woman might be hungry. After 15 minutes, Lena emerges from the hallway into the kitchen. "I made you some breakfast if you'd like, not sure if you'd be hungry or not."

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