Chapter 6

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The school was in an uproar the following Monday after the infamous halftime show. Kara could feel the stares as she walked through the halls, she tightened her grip on her backpack as Lucy walked beside her glaring at anyone who stared for longer than millisecond. "Don't worry it'll pass soon," Lucy whispered, trying to give the blonde some reassurance.

"I hope so," Kara mutters, doing her best to avoid meeting the onlookers caviling eyes. "I'll see you at lunch, Luce." Kara gives the brunette a half hearted hug before disappearing into her homeroom. 

"I didn't know I was friends with a celebrity," Winn jokes with his normal boyish exuberance, that the blonde normally finds comforting, not today.

"Please Winn," The blonde takes her normal seat across from him. "Not today." 

"Sorry, it'll fade away soon," Winn places a comforting hand on her arm with a sincere smile, before returning back to his phone. 

The rest of the day passes dreadfully slow. The blonde avoiding glances and mindless conversations with people she's never talked to before as she made her way in between classes. The blonde desperately wants to disappear, luckily she hasn't seen her ex boyfriend anywhere, even the thought of him made her shudder and instinctively reach for her throat. The bruising had gone down significantly, so with makeup you'd never know anything was wrong. However, without makeup the bruising was still visible, but only if you looked close enough. Her night terrors were still apparent, but weren't as bad since Alex left her a night light before she left. Although she did miss Lena's presence, but she'd never admit it in fear of scaring off her budding friendship. He luck unfortunately vanished as she makes her way into the lunch room. She spots Mike with a splint and two black eyes. Did Lena do that?...

They make eye contact, but she quickly breaks it as she sits down at her regular table. "I have exciting gossip that will hopefully overshadow you soon, but first I gotta say your girl has some balls," Lucy says as she sits across from Kara. The blondes face twists in confusion at her friends statement, completely ignoring the flip in her stomach at the fact that Lucy referred to Lena as her girl. "Did Lena not tell you?" Kara shakes her head no. 

Lucy leans closer across the table, almost sitting off the bench. "Well after you left, Mike was talking out of his ass, per usual," The brunette rolls her eyes, which Kara nods. Another wonderful personality trait I was blind too...

"Well Lena landed a pretty nasty punch to his nose. The crunch was very audible," Kara scrunched her nose at the image in her mind. "He landed on the ground holding his nose with tears in his eyes, then she threatened him and I'm not sure what she said, but it had to have had some affect on him. The look on his face was priceless," Lucy chuckles at the fond memory of Mike getting what he deserved. "Apparently his story is that he ran into a door." Kara sat there a bit stunned at the information, her stomach in knots. Why would Lena do that for me? What did she say to him? I don't condone violence, but I guess he deserved it and why do I feel glad that it was her?...

A voice from behind her interrupts her thoughts and judging by the look on Lucy's face, she has a guess of who it is. "You know if you're trying for a goth look, it's not working for you," Lucy snipped, pure hatred is visible in her eyes and venom laced in her voice. Kara slowly turns around to see Mike standing hesitantly a few feet behind her. 

"Mike." Her tone flat all void of emotion. She steels her features and crosses her arms, not wanting to give away the fact that she's still scared of him. As she meets his eyes, her mind transports to his hands around her throat, a shiver runs down her spine. 

"C-can we talk?" His voice comes out timid, and low. His whole body language is abnormal, he shifts his weight back and forth, hardly making eye contact. His eyes shift between Kara and Lucy. "Alone, please."

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