Chapter 7

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It's been a few weeks since Lena caught Kara and Kate making out in the club bathroom, now well into the end of October. Technically it's been a month and a day, but who's counting. The brunette has been ignoring the blonde's apology texts and calls. She's hurt. Not really surprised that another person has lied to her and betrayed her. 

Maybe betrayal is a tad dramatic, but what are Luthor's known for if not for a flare of drama...

The same thoughts have plagued her mind since that night. The rain showers in Stanford have matched her mood the past few weeks, crestfallen and seemingly never ending. She's also angry at herself for allowing herself to be delusional and indulging in her silly naive infatuation. As Lena opens up the door to her apartment she finds Alex in the kitchen. Safe to say she's been evading both Danver sisters, however today is not her lucky day. 

"Lena!" Alex calls after her upon hearing the door open. Lena has her back turned to the redhead, hanging up her saturated rain coat. Her face scrunches up at the sound of her name ringing through the apartment. Knots begin to form in her stomach at the possible conversation that threatens to unfold, knowing how protective Alex is of Kara. Damn it! I thought I timed my trip home to coincide with Alex still being at Sam's...

Only then does her phone chime with a text from the aforementioned brunette.

Sam Arias: Alex is headed home to pick up few things to bring over, thought I'd let you know 

Of course, now she tells me...

Lena takes a deep breath before facing the redhead, who's back is turned to her, rummaging in the fridge. "Yes Alex?" Lena takes a few hesitant steps towards her bar stool seat. "I thought you were going to be at Sam's.." 

"I am, but I forgot a few things over here," Alex responds still intensely looking for something in the fridge. 

"What are you looking for?" Lena asks, anxious to get this conversation over with. 

"The fancy wine Sam likes. I left it in here so I could surprise her with it." Alex huffs in annoyance.  Lena's eyes dart to the garbage bin, knowing she drank it last night. 

Oops. Well Sam has good taste...

Alex's phone dings, pulling it out of her back pocket and tearing her concentration away from the pointless search. "Why'd you send me money?"

"For the wine. I didn't know it was for Sam and I may or may not have drank it last night.." Lena trails off, bracing herself for Alex's reaction.

"All of it??" The redhead gasps, turning around in surprise, knowing it was decent size bottle. "Are you okay?" 

Her face turns from shock to concern and Lena hates it. She doesn't enjoy feeling like a burden to someone.

"I've been stressed with school," She lies easily, luckily with her coming home late the past week Alex thinks nothing of it. "I'm sorry. If I had known I wouldn't have touched it." 

At least that last bit is true...

Alex's shoulders drop, believing her best friend. "It's alright. I appreciate the money, but Lena you paid for the hefty tab at the bar last month. You don't have to keep paying for everything."

"That ,"Lena points her finger at the redhead, "Was a special occasion, plus I drank the wine so I'll pay you for it. It's only fair." Her bitterness about the incident from the month prior comes back like an embarrassing memory deep. 

"Okay. Fine," Alex relents, throwing up her hands in defeat, leaning against the counter by the fridge. "Speaking of last month, Kara's been asking about you. Here's her number." Tossing Lena a piece of paper with the number she already has memorized. 

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