Chapter 2. The Fire

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Blood everywhere.

Dead bodies.

His family.

Their eyes were emotionless and were staring off into space with no life left in them. Their corpses were bloody, pale and motionless.

Lloyd backed away from the sight of his dead loved ones. He didn't want to see it. He turned away only to come face to face with Clouse, whose eyes and hands were shining purple. His teeth were pointy, his fingernails had turned into sharp claws and his skin was gray. He was grinning menacingly, stepping closer and closer to Lloyd.

Lloyd tried to run, but it was as though his feet were frozen against the stony floor of the dark room. He could hear laughter and some sort of banging echoing around him, coming out of nowhere in particular. It got louder.



Lloyd suddenly woke up to loud banging coming from downstairs. He sat up hastily, rubbed the sleepiness out of his eyes and looked around in the sunlit room. The noise became even clearer and Lloyd could tell it was coming from the front door. He turned to gaze at Kai, who was slowly waking up beside him.

"What's that noise?" The brunet asked groggily.

"Could someone have found us?" Lloyd asked, immediately running through at least a thousand different yet equally terrifying scenarios in his head.

"Hope not. I hate those guards who rummage through the streets every night…"

"Kai! Lloyd! It's me! Jay!"

Kai groaned and lay back down. "Actually, no. Please let it be the guards…"

Unlike Kai, Lloyd was beyond delighted to hear Jay's voice. Though, he was also horrified to hear him shouting like that, letting all of Stiix know they were there. He was just about loud enough to probably be heard all the way from Ninjago City too. 

Lloyd quickly scrambled out of bed, much to Kai's disappointment, and ran downstairs to let Jay in.

"Jay!" Lloyd hissed as the blue ninja entered dragging a bag of something heavy with him. "Didn't we tell you not to shout?"

"Oh, sorry," Jay apologized sheepishly. "I forgot…"

Lloyd sighed, but gave him a relieved look all the same. "Where's Nya?"

"She told me to go ahead while she made sure to hide some bigger stuff we brought," Jay explained. "We found a ton of scrap metal and everything else on the way! Nya said we'll probably be able to finish an entire vehicle with those!"

"That's great!" Lloyd grinned. "That would be the fourth, right?"

"Yep, as long as Wu, Hutchins, Cole and Zane return the two others in a recognizable state."

The two then heard dragging footsteps from the creaky staircase and turned to see Kai, very messy and sleepy, coming downstairs and resembling a zombie rather than a human.

"Jay, we have an alarm clock of our own. You don't need to be one," he grumbled.

Jay resumed an irritated look. "Good morning to you too, sunshine."

"Oh, stop fighting!"

The three shifted their gazes to Nya, who was still her usual perky self. She dismissed Jay and Kai completely and came to give Lloyd a rib-breaking hug.

"Glad to see you alive, midget," she smiled.

"You too," Lloyd muttered, unable to come up with a nickname equally offensive.

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