Chapter 23. The Secret Stowaway

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"So," Wu began. "What Mystake and I found could possibly lead us to the Oni Mask of Vengeance."

Wu and Mystake had brought the entire team into the library of the manor, around a round table. Despite the lateness of the night, everyone was alert now that it appeared they had gained valuable information. The master placed a small piece of paper on the table for everyone to see.

It read very few words.

Oni Mask of Vengeance; Sealed Information; The Sky Monastery; Quanish the Elder.

"Mystake and I figured the message could mean that in order to find the Mask of Vengeance, we need to pay a visit to the Sky Monastery, to a man called Quanish the Elder," Wu informed. "Since the information about the two other masks was left with Josiah Spencer, it would only make sense for the knowledge about the third mask to have been left with someone else, Quanish namely."

"So, you don't think the mask itself could be stored in that monastery?" Jay questioned.

"I doubt it. Too easy," said Wu.

"Then what and where is this... Sky Monastery?" Cole inquired. "I've never heard of it."

Wu stepped back to grab a rolled up map from one of the desks by the window. He spread the map over the table and pointed at a mountain region in Southeastern Ninjago, some way away from the Jade Falls Manor.

"The Sky Monastery is a less known monastery located on a mountain range called the Eroded Heights. It is a very old place with a legacy of housing monks, some of whom don't speak a word," Wu explained. "And honestly, it would be a very secure place for such secret information to be stored. The mountain is tall and thus dangerous to climb."

"Who is Quanish the Elder then?" Lloyd asked, reading the note once more over his uncle's shoulder.

"I wish I knew," Wu sighed. "My father mentioned a man called Quanish once and I assume they were acquaintances, but that's all I know. I've never met him."

"But if Quanish has information about the Oni Mask, that could help us remarkably," Zane remarked.

"And the chances are that Clouse doesn't have the same information," Jay added.

"Exactly." Wu turned to face Jay and Nya. "Is the Bounty ready to fly yet?"

Nya nodded. "She might not be the steadiest flying ship out there, but she should be able to make it to the mountains and back. As long as you don't leave it hovering in the air while you visit the monastery, that is. It can't quite stay in the air without moving."

"I see," Wu said with a nod. "Well, we'll climb the mountain then. It'll expand the duration of the mission slightly, but hopefully not too long."

"So... we're really going to the Sky Monastery now?" Cole questioned.

"I think it's worth visiting," Wu replied, facing the black ninja. "For all we know, Clouse could be looking for the Mask of Vengeance right now. If he gets all three, there will be no stopping him. Therefore, it's vital that we find the mask first. We have now found a clue as to how we can locate it, so I feel we should give it a go."

"Well, alright! I'm in!" Jay exclaimed. "Who's up for another adventure?"

"Hold on," Wu intervened. "All of us cannot go. We will need people here to keep an eye on the situation, possibly build us new vehicles that we can use, and work as a back-up team should an issue arise. Clouse still has his troops out there, ready to strike, and our journey won't be short, especially if we find the location of the Oni Mask and go to look for it. It could take days or a week, so a lot can and will happen."

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