Chapter 7. "They Call Him Morro"

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The team Nya had awfully nicknamed "The Icicle Team" made their way across the fields of snow by the base of the Wailing Alps. They were covered from head to toe in thick winter clothing, yet were all shivering slightly whenever another blow of wind would pierce the air. The group was heading towards an inn of some sort, which was the only place they'd be able to acquire climbing equipment from. 

"If it's this cold on this little mountain, then how cold will it be up there?" Cole wondered, turning to gaze up at the grand mountain that stood behind the inn. The Wailing Alps.

"It depends heavily on our luck. Today seems exceptionally cold," Wu replied, his voice muffled against the scarf over his face.

"You'd think the sun would help a little," Kai muttered.

"A clear sky and sunshine actually means colder temperatures," Wu explained. "Clouds indicate warmer weather."

"I fail to see the logic, but all right," Cole commented. "Let's pray for some clouds then."

The team entered the inn, delighted by the warmth of the interiors. There was a big fireplace in the back of the room, several tables with chatting people sitting at them, and a counter behind which stood an older man. 

"Shut the door!" Several people shouted, glaring at the group.

Kai quickly shut the door behind him, feeling like they had already become disliked by a few other climbers. Apparently the place was the starting point for every climber, who wanted to make their way up one of the surrounding mountains.

"So, which mountain are you going for?" The innkeeper asked. According to the tag on his shirt, his name was Mr. Hito.

"The Wailing Alps," Wu replied.

Mr. Hito's eyes widened in shock. "Are you serious?" He asked quietly, as if he was hoping for them to say it had been a joke.

Kai saw Cole glance at him a little nervously. To be honest, Kai was feeling a little restless too. He had kind of hoped they would meet others who had climbed the Alps and could reassure them it wasn't so bad. But, apparently that had been stupid to even wish for.

"Yes, I am," Wu responded. "We intend to make it to the Hanging Temple as soon as possible and need some equipment for our journey."

Kai noticed how the room had suddenly become very quiet. Only one look around told him that most people were staring at them and listening to every word of Wu and Mr. Hito's conversation.

Mr. Hito just blinked. "Uh… sure, I can get you equipment, but… have you thought this one through, sir?"

Kai had already known the way up the Alps would be arduous, but hearing such concern and actual fear from a man running an inn in such a brutal region made him convinced they were asking to be killed.

"We have. This journey happens to be very important for certain reasons, so we must do it," Wu told him.

Mr. Hito nodded slowly. "You really are serious…" he muttered before gazing elsewhere. "Well, in that case, I might give you every tip I possibly can. I have heard everything there is to know about the Alps and… well, you will need to know everything to stand a chance."

"You're all gonna die!" A random man called out from the back of the room. "Just sayin'."

Mr. Hito sighed while starting to gather some climbing equipment on the countertop. "You are aware of the avalanches, icefalls, snow storms and chances of hypothermia, right?" He asked Wu.

"Yes, we are." Wu nodded.

"And you have arranged everything in your lives so that if you were to die tomorrow, everything would be fine?"

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