Chapter 11. The Secrets of the Primeval's Eye

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After hours and hours worth of sitting in the hot, cramped bus, Lloyd and his team were finally nearing their destination. The second part of their mission was about to begin.

"The Primeval's Eye…" Lloyd whispered half to himself, half to James.

By now James' depressed mood had lifted and he had joined Lloyd in staring at the ginormous, dark jungle in the far distance. What made the jungle look even darker was the group of gray clouds that had almost appeared out of nowhere. Occasionally there were bright flashes of lightning amongst the clouds and it looked like there was going to be heavy rain sometime soon.

"I really hope that when we get in, we'll also come out one day," Lloyd heard Rimu mutter behind them. Even she did not seem as excited and carefree anymore despite her immense interest in the place.

"We'll have to, because we cannot fail this mission," James pointed out, glancing over his shoulder at Rimu. "We need to get the mask and defeat that idiot."

"Well, I don't think the jungle cares," Rimu remarked. "My father went in with the intention of coming back to his wife and daughter, but the jungle didn't care and kept him."

James looked like he wanted to say something more but decided against it. Slightly less confident, he sank back in his seat and continued to gaze out of the window. His eyes were on the jungle, unlike Lloyd's, whose own ones had darted to the dark clouds above it.

"The Dead Man's Squall," the prince murmured.

"Huh?" James turned to face him.

"The storm above the Primeval's Eye. It's called the Dead Man's Squall," Lloyd told. "My father told me about it when I was little. He said it's a brutal storm raging over the jungle, protecting it from any explorer's curious eyes."

"Strange," James commented. "It doesn't seem to move or spread much."

"It doesn't, apparently. It's somehow tied specifically to the Primeval's Eye. It'll fade away for short periods of time, but it'll always come back strong."

"Well, good to know. We'll be swimming through the jungle soon."

Lloyd snorted. "Hope not. Rimu would discover your fear of water."

James shot a glare at the prince after making sure the said girl had not heard him. "It's not a fear of water! It's cetaphobia," he huffed.

"Fear of whales."

"Cetaphobia sounds less embarrassing."

"Okay, whale-phobe."

The pair's conversation got an abrupt interruption. The bus skidded to a halt so fast Lloyd's forehead smacked the seat in front of him. Rubbing his stinging head, the prince directed his gaze to the doors that opened wide and let in the last people in Ninjago Lloyd and his team would've wanted to come across.

Clouse's soldiers.

In one swift movement, James pulled the cloak over Lloyd's head to hide him from the purple eyes that traveled through the interior of the bus carefully. The prince slumped in his seat and did his very best to keep a low profile while still keeping an eye on the troop.

"We were told by an insider that the Crown Prince is here," one of the soldiers explained to the bus driver in a monotone. "Where is he?"

The driver shook his head. "He's not here. I haven't seen anyone who even slightly resembles him."

"Liar," the soldier accused. "The prince is here and you will turn him in right now."

"No, he isn't here. I would know if he was. Now get out!" The driver snapped, although he sounded covertly terrified.

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