Chapter 13

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Sorry for not posting in so long, I'm back
•Luke's pov•
The sound of her voice on the phone just broke me. I can't believe I did that to her.How could I do that to her? I was suppose to be the guy who made her happy, instead, even from the beginning I always make stupid decisions for it to end and start like this.

I try focusing on the road, but my thoughts were clouded with the repetitiveness of her voice, the tone of her voice and what she said. I realize that I'm getting pretty close to a car, my eyes widen, I shake my head and move away from the car, continuing to drive to that bar that stupid Ashton took her to.

Once I get their I see no sign of Selena and begin to panic. My breathing quickening, where could she be?

"Selena!!" I scream out, catching stares from the people around me but I don't care, I continue to scream out her name.

I see some stairs trailing upstairs and I gulp.I hear some laughs, and clinking bottles in the room beside the stairs.
Shaking, I open the cold metal door knob, slowly.The drunken laughs quickly come to a stop.The girl that I love is half naked.

"What the hell is this?" I scream.

The guys beside her look absolutely frightened.

"Come on join in!" Selena slurs.

I can't believe this. I can't believe Ashton left her. When I get my hands on him ooh I'm gonna punch him so hard.

"Selena lets go" I say sternly.

"Why don't you come over here" she says giggling, while falling on a guy.

"SELENA GET OVER HERE NOW!" I scream loosing my patience,jealousy fills up my veins as I watch Selena and the guy she fell on look into each other's eyes.

Selena looks at me, then back at the guy she was on and says, "why?"

"Cause I said so" I try to say calmly.

"No, okay no! I don't wanna be dragged around anymore, it's all people ever do.. To me.. I hate i.." Her words slowed down, and faded away so does the anger that I held.Her eyes flutter trying to fight the sleepiness, but it ends up winning and I take her away from the guys and hold her too my car.


"There you go" I whisper, and kiss Selena on the forehead while tucking her in my bed.

She groans.

I look at her face for a while admiring every detail.The way her Carmel hair is sprawled every perfectly, how her lips are apart when she sleeps, how she breathes, slowly while she sleeps.

"Luke" Selena whispers.

"Yea" I reply.

"I don't deserve you" she says while her eyes fight to stay open.

But before I could even reply she turns the other way and I hear soft snores, while I am left in confusion.

Cant fall in love with the bad boy, Luke HemmingsWhere stories live. Discover now