Chapter 4

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*Selenas pov*
I wake up and see Luke beside me, what? when did he get here? How does he know where my house is?

"Hi babe.." He says with a creepy smirk.

"Uh.. Hi?" I say confused.

"you look beautiful with those shorts on.."

He says slowly dragging his finger up from my foot, slowly going up sending shivers through out my body. He starts to take off my shorts and I'm frozen, stuck to my bed I can't move, it's like I'm glued to my bed.

"STOP, someone help me" I start screaming and sobbing for someone to help me.

"It's gonna be alright.. Selena.."


"SELENA SELENA" I wake up to someone shaking me, It's ameera.

I get up and I feel water, a thin layer of swear on my neck, With my heart beating fast and tears in my eyes.

"Are you ok?" She asks with concern.

"Ya-just a bad dream" I say shaking my head and looking down.

"Do you wanna talk about it?" She asks.

"Not really.. Not right now.. If you don't mind" I say still scared and shaky.

"Ok, you know you can always talk to me if something is bothering you or anything" she says sweetly.

"Thanks, same for you" I say with a little smile.

"Well, I'm gonna go get dressed, school is in a half an hour, um do you mind if I borrow some clothes?" She asks politely.

"Ya, sure, of course" I say.

I look through my closet and giver her a dressy outfit ^^ and I went more causal cause.. Monday ^^(in the pictures thingy)

We both put minimum makeup ameera does mine, and I do hers to switch it up.

I start putting concealer for ameera some pink eye shadow ,brown eyeshadow in the crease, white in the inner conners, some winged eyeliner. I put her some mascara on her long lashes and a little more eyeliner on her water line (not to much).She applies a clear lip gloss, I curl her hair, she does my makeup and hair next.

Starts by putting a just a bash eyeshadow (since casual) and some mascara and just a regular eyeliner with no wing and eye liner on the waterline, I put on baby lips.She decides to keep my hair natural.

"Omg we both look fab" I say excited.

"YaAaaAs" ameera, she does these weird hand movements while saying it and I laugh.

We grab our phones and go downstairs and just grab a banana, since we have 10 minutes.

Calum, comes downstairs and his jaw drops.

"Ameera you l-look amazing" he says while blushing.

Ameera blushes. "Thank you"

Calum, goes up to ameera and gives her a hug around her waist and they both swing back and forth cutely for about 10 seconds, with me just standing awkwardly. He pecks her on the lips lightly.

I wish I had something like that.

They both intertwine hands and walk to their car together.

Ashton comes down and greets me with a quick hug.

"HiIII sel, good mornin" he says smiling with his cute dimples on the side of his face.

"Hi Ashton, good mornin to you to" I say with a smile back, I love ashton(friendly way of course) he always makes my days better.


Finally, the end of the day.

The hallway is kinda empty. One or two people, weird. I put my locker combo, open my locker and gather my stuff to put on my backpack. I hear footsteps behind me. I turn around.

It's Luke.

"Hey babe, you get my text?" He asks with a smirk.

"Yes, I did actually" I say
In a sassy tone, I didn't mean to it just happened to come out like that.

"Someone's getting a bit sassy" he says, jerk.

"I gotta go" I shut my locker and walk away, he quickly grabs my arm twisting it back.

"Let go of me!" I yell, I feel like he's going to rip my arm out.

"your not going anywhere understand me? Your mine" he demands.

"Who said I was yours? Do I have It written anywhere on me? I'm not your property let go." I tell him sternly.

He takes both of my arms now pushing me to the locker going really close to my face.

Ouch wow.

"NO ONE HAS EVER SAID THAT TO ME, AND YOUR NOT GOING TO BE THE FIRST TO SAY IT" he says shouting into my face shouting. Tightening the grip around my arm with each word.

"LUKE.. Please stop your hurting me" I plead.

"Shut up you brat" he says.

"What the heck is wrong with you? You can't get every girl, I thought you were different but your just a a** , striving for attention and girls since you can't love yourself and you need someone else to do it for you" I kick him in the private and leave.

He's on the floor hugging that area, I don't know if I saw tears in eyes but it looked like he did.

What the heck?? I thought he was different,I was wrong.I run to calums house , crying and decide to tell ameera.Guessing she's at calums I knock on the door, she opens.

"Hi SEL- what's wrong?? Are you ok? Come inside" she quickly says.

I come in and tell her everything.

"Wow, I'm so sorry" she says and pulls me in for a hug.

"Always when I think people are different, or maybe, they have changed,they always prove me wrong" I say while wiping my tears.


Sorry for the short chapter going to still post another one today so don't worry :) love you guys all thanks for 1k reads! 😊💖 hope you have a great rest of the day.

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Cant fall in love with the bad boy, Luke HemmingsWhere stories live. Discover now