Chapter 8

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*Lukes Pov*
My plan is working great so far. She is going to go to the ice skating rink, and see me there. She's going to stop, look at me and run to me. I am only change around her. It's good she brung dumb Michael for it too not seem obvious.

I finally get there, alone and I spot Michael and Selena, laughing side by side and right now she found ameera and she slipped. I laugh to myself quietly.

I see a blonde babe just standing there alone, I can't pass this up.

"Hey babe" I say looking at her seductively.

"Hi" she says blushes and giggles.Typical.

She scoots closer and right now her demeanor shows she wants to kiss me..

She moves closer.. And our lips touch molding together sloppy. This is not what I expected usually I'm the one to prance on girls.This kiss isn't even good, I don't even want this. I like selena.. What? No mind shush.

She pulls away fluttering her lashes at me.
I smile awkwardly, I did not like that kiss.

She writes down something on a piece of napkin, what seems like her number and gives it to me.

"Call me" she says whispering into her neck.

"Um.. Sure.." I say slowly.

I look and my eyes dart at Selena who looks like she's about to cry and my face drops, but I smirk right away to hide that I feel bad.

She gets up, why is she getting up?
She gives me a mischievous smile before kissing Michael. I feel a scorching heat rise up to my cheeks.!?!!

Why would she do that??!!

I'm going to beat the heck out of Michael.
But, not know.. Not in front of all these people.


"YA, we should do this again another time" I hear a voice booming out and I know instantly who it is.. Michael.

I wait for him to pass by. I see his black and white vans and I don't hesitate to punch him the face, tackling him down. One punch after another.

"WHY WOULD YOU DO THAT" I scream into his face.

He doesn't answer.

Selena screams on top of her lungs. I kinda stop a little, but continue.

Right when I'm about to grab his shirt and bash him into the wall I hear a voice, I stop.

"LUKE STOP!" Selena yells over and over repeatedly echoing in slow motion in my mind.

Someone grabs my shoulders and I push them off I turn around and see Selena.


"No,no" I cry out.

"Selena stay with me" I say quietly and her eyes slowly close.

"This is all your dam fault!" I say loudly, in firing anger, bolting towards Michael putting him against the wall, my hand grabbing tightly on to his shirt.

I know is not his fault, it's Selena's but I need to take my anger out on someone. Plus, he could've pushed her away, I shouldn't have done this he's going to use her, embarrass her.

"SELENA KISSED ME!" He says yelling back.

"You couldn't pushed her away?" I say huffing and pushing him to the wall and moving away from him.

He pushes me.

" .. I'm growing feelings for her" he divulges.

I'm am so enraged and it takes everything for me not to kick him in his face.

Cant fall in love with the bad boy, Luke HemmingsWhere stories live. Discover now