Intro 🫶🏻🫶🏻

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Hola! So I've started a new story
And it's based on Pablo gavi it was alr
Planned and I had it in my drafts so don't
Come at me for taking down 2 story's and
Putting this one up
English is also not my first language it was
My fourth language after
German polish and Spanish there will be
Some diff languages in this story
But there will also be translations in English
I might put this story up in diff languages
Such as German and Spanish
Maybe French as it's my 5th language
And I'm fluent
I also wanted to say I'm not $€cualising
Any of the players and yes some
Of the players will have a bad impression
On this story but they are rlly nice irl
Also Tysm for giving this story a chance
ily guys so much and I can't wait
To see how this story ends

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