8. joao?!

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the next morning i woke up and got ready to get my stuff from judes house

i called a taxi and hopped in

suddenly gavi texted me

hey amora im sorry but i need to talk to you im gonna be at judes ily and even if joao is your bf i stll need to

little did he know it was just to get over him

i put on my airpods and listened to some songs


after we arrived i payed the driver and rang the doorbell

denise answered

"hallo wie ghets!"

-> hi hows it going?

"mir ghets gud und dihr?"

-> im doing good and you?

"mir ghets auch gut danke schazi diene sachen sind oben"

-> im doing good thank you sweetheart your stuff is upstairs


->thank you

"kien problem!"

-> no problem

i rush upstairs and knock on judes door 

he opens it and pablos sitting on his bed

"enchuligung dieder iiot wurd ganicht raus gehen!"

-> im sorry this idiot wont go 

"ales guht"

-> its good

jude helps me pack but ive still got a bag left

"ima go to the toilet" he says

oh great 

"amora can i talk to you?" pablo asks

i just ignore it and nodd

" I Ruined everything bc i was mad"

"i fucking trusted you. you broke that trust beacause you were mad screw you pablo" i say

"i know and im sorry for that"

i hurry up 

"your sorrys dont mean anything to me anymore"

i finish packing and walk away as jobe comes out of his room

"are you ok?" he asks

i start crying

"hey calm down come here" he says while streching out his arms

i cry and i burry my head into his shoulder

"take your time with him make things right when your ready kay?"


i wipe my tears

"thank you"

"im always here" he smiles

"thank you jobe"

- few days later after pedris bday-

"how are you?" pedri Asks

i told pedri abt everything bc hes my bestf 

he also came to visit me for the holidays


"im good" i smile

im rlly not but okay

"i think ima talk to him today"

"are you sure?" he asks

"yeah im sure" i smile

"i have to go training in barca soon you coming with me?"

"yeah sure i can talk to him after practice"

"k get ready well go in 10 min"


i get ready and wear some ripped jeans and pedris jersey

i come out and pedri drives back to barca

-in training-

"amora what are you doing here?" pablo asks

fuck you can handle this amora

"im here with pedri"

"can i talk to you after practice?"

"of course" he smiles

-after practice-

i see gavi coming towords me as pedri shows me a thumbs up

ok amora you cant do this get your shit together

"you want to talk to me?" pablo says

"yeah, i dont like fighting with you"

"me too" he says as he kicks the ground

"im so sorry for saying that about you nothings true your nothing like him"

"i forgive you but never say anything like this again"

"it cuts deeper than you might think" i say taking about the cut

"thank you for forgiving me" 

"no problem but next time i wont forgive you"

"i love you amora"

i just stay silent

i- i dont know if i love him yet

i hug him

"wanna go out with me?" he asks

"im not sure pablo i mean your girlfriend"

"and your boyfriend?" he says

"i dont have one" i say confused

"joao?" he asks

"hes not my bf we were playing spin the botle with the team"

"oh okay" he says with a happy face

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