24. Trust me theyre gonna end up as fuck buddys

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I hear a car approaching and I look out the window

"One minute girls" I smile

Anna smiles back at me and I stand up

"ITS TOM!" I shout

"Oh fuck ok ummm wear this quick" Sira says shoving a dress at me

"A dress Sira seriously? Were on a beach" mikky complains

Anna takes out her make up and applys a minimum amount on me

"Thank you" I say

"You welcome NOW GO CHANGE QUICK!" Anna says

Mikky hands me some clothes

As your all wondering why we are so stressed is because

I kind of go together with tom

it all started last month


I walk outside wondering why tom asked me to go out

Me and him have been talking a lot like a lot lot lot

Suddenly someone taps me on the shoulders and I look back

I see harry there with roses

He gives them to me  andI give him a comfused look and he leads me forward to paddy who gives me chocolates

It goes on with all the brothers until there stood tom

The most beautiful with roses

He was infront of a rose garden that was lit with candles

A helicopter was right next to him

"May I?" He asks sticking his hand out

"You may" I say putting my hand softly on his

We smile softly at each other as he helps me onto the helicopter

Oh i love this man so much

The helicopter starts and I squeeze toms hand tightly

"Dayum your strong calm down I'm here" he says

I smile at him

As we start to go up I feel a little chil down my spine

"You'll be fine love don't worry"

"Thank you tom"

Suddenly we stop high in the air

"Look down" he smiles

I look down and then I saw it

'will you be my gf?' It said in roses

"Oh my god" I say underneath my breath

"So what's your answer? Oh my god I should have done this I knew we were only friends how could I have thought that you actually liked me ba-" he starts panicking

I cut him off by a kiss

I smirk

"So it's a yes" he says in between kisses

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