11. My fault

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I sat down on the pavement thinking of what happened

How did this happen mostly why

I broke into tears

I heard a car door open and saw Jude infront of me

He picked me up and sat in the back where jobe was

"Amora are you okay are you hurt?"

I show a slight nod

I wasn't I think Jude noticed as he grabbed me and dug my head into his chest

He smelt like gavi


I realised it was gavis shirt so I just dug my head in deeper

Me and jobe were talking when suddenly I got a call

I answer it and smile at my phone

It was gavi

"Heyyyy" he says


"Where are you are you okay are you hurt?" He asks

I nod even though I'm not okay

I never thought this would happen to me

"So funny story I didn't bring my car and I was wondering if y'all could pick me up?"

He asks

I look at jude and he nods

"Yup we'll be there in 30m" I smile

"Thank you princesa" he smiles

I blushed hard

Fuck not now Jude's gonna say something

I end the call

"OOOOOOO" jobe says

"Princesa" jude mocks

I roll my eyes and dug my head back into his chest


I woke up with my head on gavi

"Finnaly the lovebirds woke up" jude chuckles

"Fuck off bro" I say

He just smirks

Jobe shows me a picture of us

"Nah fuck off jobe" I say giving him a death stare

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"Nah fuck off jobe" I say giving him a death stare

"Come on amora its not like you haven't got a picture of me sleeping" jude complains

"You have?!?! Show us"

I take out my phone and show them the picture

I take out my phone and show them the picture

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