15.fuck did i say that out loud

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I woke up and stood up from my bed going I to the bathroom

"AHHHH" I scream while looking I to the mirror

My eyes where red and my mascara was all over the place

I quickly wash it off and redo it taking some clothes from the closet and changing

Suddenly I got a text from xavi

Hola amora! I can't train the boys today could you do it it's only for two hours amd my daughters in the hospital please!

Ohh fuck I forgot I told xavi that whenever he needed it I could train them

Well what could I really do now?

Yes ofc xavi I'd love to!

I reply I roll my eyes as he sends a thank you! I redo my outfit to look better and redo my makeup to look more natural

I ended up wearing Jude's hoodie and some leggings

I ended up wearing Jude's hoodie and some leggings

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I wore this and put a hoodie on top of it

I quickly took a picture and posted it on insta

I quickly took a picture and posted it on insta

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Looking hot 🔥 Training @fcbarcelona today

Liked by @pedrigonzolez, @judebellingham, @pablogavi @chloe.Garcia and 929293907164 others


That's my hot asf best friend today

Amora why just why it's 30 degrees and your wearing a jumper like tf


Well Pedri is right but who tf cares

I put my hair into a messy bun and took the training bag

I called a taxi and 5 minutes later it arrived


As I hopped out of the taxi and into the training grounds I bumped into someone making me spill my coffee on my jumper

"Fuck I'm so sorry" a voice says

I look up not recognising the voice

"It's okay ig it was my favourite hoodie but I'll have to buy a new one" I say a bit annoyed

"Here you can have mine" he smiles

"No need t-" I look up into his eyes and they're the most beautiful brown colour

"Yes need to here" he says taking it off

I just stare into his eyes

"I see you staring darling" he says

"Sorry" I mumble taking his jumper

"It's fine" he smiles

That smile is so perfect

"I'm neymar" he smiles

"I'm amora" I smile back

"What are you doing here" he asks

"Oh I'm training the boys today what are you doing?" I ask him

"Oh yeah this is my old team and it's the day where you can go back to any team you want so I'm just here seeing it and helping train" he smiles

A/N I know the day thing isn't real I just needed an excuse for ney being here I would've said it train but sadly his barca days are over since a long time anyways let's continue

I smile back at him as I put the hoodie on

"Can I have your number maybe we can hang out some time" he says

"Yeah ofc" I say taking his phone amd putting my phone number in

"Thanks" he says

"No problem"

Suddenly someone appears behind us

"AMORAAA" Pedri screams as he comes and hugs me

I hug him back

"Okay let's go in" I smile

As I enter with neymar and Pedri I get looks from the team


"What the hell Pedri" I whisper

"Yeah they kinda know what happened" he says scratching his neck

"Pedri you fucking idiot this is gonna be the most awkward training ever" I say

"Sorry" he laughs and runs away

Neymar giggles but he stops when I give him a death stare

"K boys let's start with 10 laps around the field" neymar says

"Didn't know you were the trainer here" I smirk

"Oh rlly I thought you were supposed to be training but you didn't do anything so I had to step up" he smiles

"Sorry i was to busy" I say

"Doing what?"

"Looking into your eyes" I say

"Bold I like you" he smirks

"Fuck did I say that out loud" I ask

"Yeah" he smirks

"Why'd you make them run 10 laps isnt that a bit too much?" I ask tryna switch the topic

"I just needed an excuse to talk to you" he smiles

I smile back at him

After the boys do the 10 laps we split them up I to two teams

I obviously put gavi into the other team than Pedri bc he dosent play as good without him

"K we are going to the play football come up with team names and whoever loses gets another punishment which is 100 push ups" I smile

"Awww" the team says

"No moaning" I say

They choose the team names and

Pedri, lewa, balde, frenkie, raphinhia are team ketchup

Gavi, dembele, ansu, Ronald, kessi, torte and Ferran where team mayo

The others where training with neymar

Stupid names but mk


After the match gavis team lost so they had to do the 100 push ups

There was a few times pablo tried to talk to me but I kept ignoring them

Soon it was lunch.

Guys I'm sorry I didn't post yesterday and this might be the only chapter today as I have a funeral anyways ily

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