18. Flashbacks

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i woke up at 3am and my heart was racing

i looked at judes bed and he wasnt there

i dropped into a corner and cried my eyes out


pretend its in german but i thought it would be better to kind of yk write it in english as it would be faster to read and write!

"dad can i go to judes house?" i aks him

"oh you choose him over me you little shit?" he asks

"what no dad ofc not!"

why was he saying this?

"of course you were im always the bad parent arent i"

his face was red

üi was scared ive seen him like this before but i am still scared

"no dad" i say looking down

"come here you little shit" he says

he takes my wrists

"ow" i squeal in pain

he take his ciggarete and puts the flame off on my right wrist

"that will teach some sense into you"

tears droped down my eyes slowly

"get me another beer" he smirked at my pain

i nodded and went to get him one

he left me alone.

in a giant house.

mom was at work. dad was wherever he was. ans pedri he was in spain with Fernando

i sat in a corner and started to cry


I cry myself to sleep

This happens often

Too often

Guys this was a short paragraph ik but it's also bc I didn't have the motivation today :(

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