5. amoraaaa

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"wait whens amoras bday?" pablo asks

"oh its august the 4th one day before yours" pedri smiles

all three of our jaws drop

"anyways come in" i smile

"okrrr" chloe says as she comes in

i lock the door 

"gavi this is chloe, chloe this is gavi" i smile 

"hi" gavi says

"um hi" 

"im here too" pedri says hwile making a sad face

them two are like lovebirds

"and pepi your future husbad" i smirk

- time skip 2 days later still amoras pov-

my alarm woke me up at 3 am

i hate waking up but i love my bed

pedri and the team had to go to some trip and chloe had gone to her sick aunts

i was alone on my bday. 


last year i lived by my parents and they always got into fights

my dad had a drinking problem my sister and pepi had moved out and my mum was barely ever home 

i lay on my bed and drink some water

the reason i woke up at 3 in the morning was to rinse out my hair

after washing my hair i change into a dress i wanted to do my homework aswell

the last one and im graduating 

oh those good old days

i smile to myself but then i heard a noise coming from downstairs

i quickly grab my bat and sneak downstairs 

it was pitch black

i turn on the lights and see everyone there

"HABBY BDAY" they all scream


"hey no swearing" pedri complains

"i love yall" 

"what happened to your trip and chloe your sick aunt"

"oh that was fake" she smiles

suddenly the doorbell rang

"ill get it" 

i opem the door and see two little children here

i can recognise them anywhere

"MILO MILAAAA" i scream and run to hug them

they where my little siblings

twins actually

"AMORAAAA" they both scream

i hadnt seen them sice they where babys but ofc jobe sent me some pics

"what are you doing here?" i ask

"isnt jobe supposed to be looking after you" i ask

suddenly a box opens

"HAPP BDAY AMORA" jobe screams

i start to tear up

i hadnt seen him for 8 years

we were best Friends since childhood

pedri comes from behind

"hallo jobe wie ghets dir?" my brother says

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