7. linda

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on the way home we were listening to ofc some billie, taylor, camila, adele and bad bunny



we were vibing and then the song ended

they know how to cheer me up :)

"guys guess who i saw on the plane"  i smile

"hmm gavi!"

"not funny bukayo" i roll my eyes

"maybe neymar"

"i wish i miss him so much" 

"me too" jude says

"ooh ooh ik, kylian" jobe guesses

"nope i saw joao"

their draws drop 

"he coming to england why?" jack asks

i shrug my shoulders and put on some camila cabello



we arrived and i got into the house as judes parents welcomed me

"amora i missed you so much" denise, judes mum says

"du bist so gross jets omg"

-> your so big now omg mark says, judes dad

"ich habe auch so vill farmist!"

-> ive missed you guys so much! i say while hugging jobe

"ja wier auch warrum bist du uberchaupt hier?"

-> us too why are you here anyways, denise asks

-i cant be bothered writing double so yeah also i forgot hw to write anyways so ofc its wrong and pretend the convos in german-

"well me and pablo are in a fight and he started talking about h-how my d-dad was an alcocholic and h-he said i-im j-just like him" i start to tear up as denise hugs me

"oh sweetheart, dont listen to him your perfect and your nothing like him!"

"thank you"

i wipe my tears as jude brings me to his room

"you can sleep here with me" he smiles

"thank you"

"no problem anything for you"

suddenly mase and jobe come in!

"THE GANGS BACK AGAIN!" jobe screams

i laugh

"guys ima go visit my mum wanna come?" i ask them

"of course!" they say

we go down and jude grabs his car keys

"where are you going?" mark asks

"were going to see maria" jude says

"okay stay safe jude and dont let anything happen to her shes gone through enough" mark says stricly and kisses my head

"of course dad" he replys and opens the door

i smile and put my shoes on as we leave


we were standing infront of the apartment

"you ready" jobe says as he ruffles my hair

i nod and go forward

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