1 || 𝚐𝚘𝚕𝚍𝚎𝚗 𝚛𝚞𝚕𝚎

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"Amora come down" my brother screamed

I took my phone and stood up from my bed

I rush down the stairs

"Why was I needed?" I ask curious

My brother had someone over

Probs from his fc but I don't care he takes loads of his teammates here as he has the world up coming soon

"I'm here" the guy smiled

I didn't know him and I also didnt care

"And.." I ask

"I thought you might want to say hi or smth" Pedri said


I was in the middle of telling Jude and jobe all about Barcelona

"Umm hi?" I say while waving my hand

"Hello" he waves with a beautiful smile

Damn that smile was going to kill me

"Ok I still don't know who he is" I confessed

"Oh I'm Pablo" he said

I turn to my brother

He looks at me and instantly get the look on my face

I was giving him the 'I still don't know' look

"Hes my best friend" Pedri smiles

"I thought it was impossible for you to get a friend now you've got a best friend my brothers grown up" I tease

He gives me a Death Stare

"Haha" pablo laughs

"Okay enough we want to play fifa" Pedri says

I know why he wanted me to go away

We had a 𝚐𝚘𝚕𝚍𝚎𝚗 𝚛𝚞𝚕𝚎

I'm not aloud to date his friends

"Yk I like fifa?" I ask him

"Yeah.." he says while giving me a confused look

"Can I play?" I begged him

"No" he says

"Bro it will be fun easy win" Pablo laughs

This bitch

But his laugh


it will be the end of me fr

I stick up my middle finger

"Chill chill I'm joking" he chuckles

"I better be" I say as I side eye him

"Yk what fine" Pedri says while taking another controller

"Yess" I squeal as I take it out of his hand

"K sure but what's happening" Pablo asks

"So me against amora then whoever wins against you" Pedri says

I laugh to myself knowing how bad I'll beat him

Guys how do we feel so far I need ideas also srrr this chapter was barely anything but the next chapter will hopefully longer ilyy

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