Something new...

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Hi. This is an entirely new story for me that I have been recently playing with. I have always loved werewolf stories, I think it is because transformation magic has always been a favourite of mine. However, this is my first ever attempt at writing one in the typical genre.

It is also the first time I have ever written a story in first person before. I always had problems reading stories written this way until I found a very fun series last fall that was entirely written from this perspective.

It gave me the urge to try a story built this way for myself, so...

Also, I plan on breaking this story into much smaller scenes or chapters, and hopefully publishing more frequently. That mentioned, I will note that it is indeed a work in process and is subject to change while I work the story through... Hopefully I see more additions (things that I've missed) rather than reworkings or changes to what is existing.

This story has been edited for spelling, format and punctuation more or less as I go, because this is how I tend to work.

I hope you enjoy. Any comments, questions or suggestions are appreciated. So without further ado...

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