Chapter Four

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Once we got to his house, we ended up upstairs in his room. His room reminded me of some weird grunge type thing, but I liked it.

"Uh.. yeah it's a little messy. I planned to clean it later."

"That's ok." I chuckled lightly and stood there awkwardly, admiring the spray paint on the walls.

He plopped down on his bed and threw all of the clothes off the bed. "You can sit down."

I nodded and sat down then crawled to the spot next to him.

"Are you hungry?" He asked, reaching forward and grabbed out a bag of chips from his dresser.

"Ugh.. I'm starving."

"Yeah. Weed'll do that."  He chuckled and held the bag out for me so I grabbed a small handful and ate them one by one, whereas Carl just shoved a whole handful in his mouth.

"Would you kiss me if you were sober?" He asked with a mouthful of food.

I shrugged my shoulders and ate another chip. "Probably."

"Soo.. do you like me?" He asked.

I shrugged my shoulders again. "I don't know what that feels like."

"Why not?"

"I've never had a boyfriend."

"Oh yeah, you said that." He said until it fell into a comfortable silence.

But after a couple minutes, he broke the silence my grabbing my chin gently and making me look at him as he kissed me.

I kissed back again but finally came to my senses and realized that this was in fact, my first kiss so I pushed him back. "You... kissed me."

"See? I knew you'd be mad when you sober'd up. I didn't mean an-" But before he could finish I pulled his face back to me and kissed him deeply.

He put his hand on my shoulder, slightly pushing me back. "Wait- so your not mad?"

I chuckled lightly and shook my head. "I was kinda getting tired of being so innocent anyways.

"So.. will you have sex with me?" He asked.

I shook my head. "Definitely not that one yet."

"Alright, I didn't think so." He chuckled.

"But.. if I was really really high and I made the move first. I wouldn't get mad."

"Well if that's the case." He said and reached for his dresser but sat back down and chuckled. "I'm just playing."

I giggled and laid my head against the head board.

"Are you tired?" He asked.

I shrugged. "Kinda, but I don't wanna sleep."

He nodded and put his arm around me. "Would you go out with me?" He asked.

I thought for a moment. "Carl, to say I don't have even the slightest bit of feelings for you, would be a lie. And I've never had a boyfriend. But, you just met me. We should at least be friend for a little while."

He nodded in agreement. "Yeah that makes sense." He said as he played with my hair.

Suddenly, the door opened and a red headed boy walked in along with blackish haired boy, throwing their bags down. But once they seen me, they both froze up. "Who the fuck are you?" The brunette asked me.

"Um-.." I didn't know if I had to be his girlfriend for everyone, so I looked up at him.

"My girlfriend." Carl said. "Olivia."

"You? A girlfriend? Yeah right." The ginger laughed.

"I've had more girlfriends then you." Carl laughed.

"Well no shit." The brunette scolded.

"I'm Ian. This is my boyfriend, Mickey." The ginger said and leaned against the dresser.

"Hi." I smiled.

"Hey." Mickey said, but it came out angry. Carl then got up quickly and walked towards Mickey.

"Mickey, can we talk?" He asked.

"Right now?" Mickey asked.

"Yes. Now." Carl said, inching towards the door.

"Fucking god, Gallagher what could be so important that you need me right now?" He whined but followed him anyways. Ian stayed in the room with me.

"So.. you and Carl huh?" Ian asked.

I nodded and looked down.

"Your really fucking shy." He laughed.

I chuckled nervously and looked up at him for a split second before saying, "Yeah I don't... talk to people much."

"I can tell. Are you the girl that Carl went to that one night?"

"Oh um.. yeah that was me." I said.

"Thanks. I appreciate it, our dads a bitch."

I nodded and looked up at him. "I know.. just trying to help."

"Yeah. Next time um.. I hate to ask but could Liam come too? He don't need to see all that. He's just a kid."

"Of course. If any of you guys need anything I'll be more then happy. We have a guest bedroom and my grandparents won't notice. And my rooms pretty big if you guys wanted to crash in there too." I said with a smile.

"I really appreciate that, but it's probably be just Carl and Liam."

"That's fine too." I said as Carl walked back in with Mickey behind him.

"Get up." Carl said, moving my arm slightly.

"What? Why?" I asked but stood up anyways.

He moved my hair out of my face, revealing the large gash in my head.

I quickly pushed his arm away and pushed my hair back to cover it.

"No no no, let them see. It's ok." Carl said, moving my hair away again. I helped and brushed it behind my ear so they could see better. I feel like I'm on display.

"What.. the fuck is that?" Ian asked.

"Is that it?" Mickey asked.

Carl shook his head. "I don't think so."

I shook my head as well. "Not really any.. marks tho.. did Carl tell you?" I asked.

"Yeah. Yeah he did." Mickey said and turned to Ian. They gave each other a look as if they could read each others mind.

"Mickey." Ian muttered.

~Fifteen minutes prior~

Carls POV

I had just stepped out of the room to talk to Mickey when he said, "This better be quick."

"So.. there's this guy at school, and I can't catch any more charges. He's been hurting Olive and like..."

"That's all I need to know. Show me."

"Show you?"

"Yeah like marks, bruises, cuts."

"Oh.. yeah I could do that." I said, remembering the way I seen him hovered over her. "But will you help."

"Yes, fuck tard, I'll help." Mickey said and pushed the door open. I walked in and went straight to Olivia with Mickey behind me.

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