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The whole person was shrouded in a thick dark atmosphere, feeling desperate. She said out of nowhere, "I, I can use my hands..."

When I said it, I regretted it, wishing to bite my tongue off, when did she become such a virgin, she was about to be raped, and she still wanted to help her with her hands...

Davidson looked up at his wife's annoying expression. He seemed to withdraw all his emotions in an instant, and said in a low voice, "Clean up and go to sleep."

The heavy rain had already dissipated the heat from the island, and now it feels damp and cold everywhere. Bai Nian closed the torn pajamas and hurriedly climbed out of bed, "I, I'll get the clothes." She somehow felt that she was in the wrong because she was not Anna. When she heard Davidson apologizing sobbing into her ear, she didn't feel relieved, but she felt sorry for this person. She found herself not feeling very angry.

Davidson watched as Bai Nian bent down to find out the clothes in the box. The white nightgown on her body was covered with mud spots, her hair was also splashed with mud, and there were scrapes and scratches on her arms. While saying, " This is dry, the body will be warm in a while." While giving the clothes to Davidson, Davidson continued. Still staring at her, with a slight flicker in his dark eyes, for a moment after experiencing Simplot, he hated women, the sinful gender of Eden who seduced Adam.

He has never touched a woman, often has to suppress his physical desires, can't help but be attracted to them while having a strong self-loathing, and sometimes even loathes his wife, a woman who only knows bishop things, and can' t bring him any pleasure And understand him, if he has inappropriate behavior or even thoughts towards her, he will have a sense of blasphemous guilt, and he will try his best to cast aside such impure thoughts. Divine beliefs and worldly desires compete and ent the angle , and this kind of tearing often makes him feel nervous and tense. Alone and miserable on the pilgrimage to the soul.

But seeing his wife in such distress just now, the concern in this distress made his cold heart radiate a little warmth after experiencing despair, he couldn't help but want to hug her, hoping she could fill the huge black hole in his heart.

Bai Nian turned around and went to find clothes in his suitcase. A few days ago, he and Mrs. Mike sewed a long-sleeved dress to prevent sunburn, so it will be warmer now. After finding the clothes, Bai Nian wiped his hair and body, only to find that his body was covered with mud, and the wound on his arm was rubbed with burning pain. He had to take a bath first, and then remembered that there was no hot water here, and if he wanted to take a bath, he would take a cold shower. She was so entangled that she would definitely not be able to sleep peacefully without washing. In desperation, she had no choice but to get her clothes. When she opened the bathroom door, she paused, "Davidson, please don't let me come out and find that I'm the only one left in the room." She was still a little worried that this person would miss her.

Watching the bathroom door close, Davidson began to undress slowly, his wife's hoarse voice echoing in his mind. Davidson was tall and slender, with pale skin and emaciated body from chronic malnutrition. Never before has he doubted whether everything he did was worth it, so disregarding his own body's desires, so desperately trying to save another's soul. In the past few days, he has been listening to her confession at Simplot, her terror, her guilt, and her sincerity in wanting to atone for her sins. He felt that he felt the same way as her, so he prayed devoutly every day, hoping that the Lord would forgive her and Give her the strength to face all the punishments to come, and even willingly bear all her sins, willing to give all to pull Simplot out of hell.

Countless times when he rescued the natives in northern Samoa who were in darkness, those sincerely converted disciples among them brought him great joy and made him feel that what he did was meaningful. This time calling Simplot to sincerely convert, and to get out of the dirty situation is another true manifestation of the main power. But everything tonight turned his pious attitude into a joke.

Chapter 12 Conditions

That evening

Davidson went to Simplot as usual, from the initial conversion, Simplot lying on the bed, and he held Simplot's hand and sat on the edge of the bed. She told him about her childhood. At that time, she was a naive little girl, and her daily life was simple but full of fun. Then her father cheated and eloped with another woman. Her mother endured taunts in the village. One day a man came to the village, a year later her mother married that man, when she was sixteen years old, it was also the beginning of her nightmare, her stepfather raped her while her mother was away, she told her mother, but her mother If you don't believe me, I think it's her seduction. After two years of such a hellish life, during an assault, she took the knife in hand and stabbed the man crawling on top of her. She was stabbed several times in a row, blood splattered everywhere. After that, she stood up calmly, washed her body and changed her clothes, took out the knife and put it in her bag, greeted the villagers she met as usual, left the village, and never came back. The western United States has a vast territory. She walked for a few days and nights and began to wander around. At first, she thought that she would meet well-meaning people, but later found that these people all offered sex. She was almost starved to death, so she agreed. She didn't dare to stay in one place for too long, for fear of being caught, so she walked all the way south, and heard that the people there lived a prosperous life. He ended up in Boston, where he was taken in by an old woman with heavy make-up in the red-light district. Start working as a whore. Later, the government united with the Church to clean up the red-light district, and these prostitutes who were caught were sent to labor camps for a few years before being sent back to their original places. She couldn't be caught, so she escaped, still carrying the dagger, bribed the crew with all her savings and body, and boarded the steamer to Sydney.

"Today is the last day, Miss Simplot, are you okay?" Simplot was still lying on the bed, his nightgown was loose, his hair was disheveled, and he looked haggard, softening his originally square and angular face. Simplot held out his hand, and Davidson took it, as protégés often do when they need support.

"Mr. Davidson, I'm frightened, what should I do?"

"It's okay, I'll be with you, the Lord tolerates all those who are willing to redeem."

"Thank God he sent you to my side."

"This is what I should do, may God bless you." Davidson made a sign of the cross. He had been listening to Simplot's confession a few days ago, and after slowly learning about Simplot's experience, he felt sympathetic, and now they are getting acquainted. Simplot's speech was less restrained.

Simplot told him that he met all kinds of customers in Boston, said that he was happy when he ate delicious food with the money he earned, and said that he fell in love with a customer, and when the other party found out, he called her a bitch, see His eyes, it is a shame to be loved by oneself. Said that she sometimes sat at the school gate and watched those students go to school happily. She felt that they were glowing, and said that the temperature of the sun shining on her body was different from that of those people... Simpula was talking, and Davidson just listened like this. It was as if they had forgotten the time, and Simplot showed him all his past.

Later, Simplot fell asleep by himself, and Davidson went to eat. He had no appetite as usual. Every time he redeemed a person, he had to face the dark side of those people. , he almost forgot himself. Also a person.

Davidson went to the church on the island after dinner, chatting with the priest to soothe his nerves. After returning, he went to Simplot's room again, and he knelt on the ground and began to pray devoutly to Simplot.

It's still raining outside. After waking up, Simplot looked at Davidson who was concentrating on praying, and he didn't know what he was thinking in his eyes.

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