Chapter 05

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Aurelia stood outside the door of the Dunphy house and rang the bell. She was extremely excited for today- spending the day with her best friend. "Hello again, Ray." Phil greets her while opening the door, "I'm surprised you rang the bell. You could've just walked right in here."

"Hi, Mr Dunphy." She responded with a wide grin on her face.

"Oh, are we being formal today, Aurelia?" He jokes, "Haley! Ray's here!"

"I'm coming, I'm coming! Just making sure the picnic basket's all set." Haley's voice could be heard from where she was standing.

"What time will you be home, Haley?" Claire asks her eldest as she descends the stairs, "Hi, Aurelia."

"Hi, Mrs. Dunphy." Aurelia gave her a little wave, right as Haley emerges from the kitchen holding a picnic basket.

Haley squeals, "Hey, Ray."

"Ready to go?"

"Yup. I will see you all by 4. We'll bake some stuff then just watch a movie here after we get back. We're heading to grandpa's at 6- right?"

"Uh-huh. 6. Okay, good. Have fun, girls." Claire nodded, giving Haley a quick hug and Aurelia a squeeze on the shoulder.

"See you later, kiddos. Have a good time."

They walk to the nearby park and quickly found a nice little spot to sit. "That's a cute dress."

"Aw, I'm glad you like it. It's yours."

Haley giggles, then abruptly stopped herself when she heard how she sounded. "So, we've got some sandwiches: ham and cheese, almond butter and jelly. Fruits, a bag of chips and I just got these- a water and a Snapple." Haley helps her open the cap for the Snapple and hands it to her, "Here you go." "You don't want it?"  "Yeah, you like Snapple. I'll just have the water." "That better not be all that you're having." Aurelia warns, handing Haley a jelly sandwich.

"No." Haley unwraps the sandwich and took a bite, "So, what's up? Catch me up on everything."

"I had a lot of fun with my sister yesterday, it was so nice to see her again after such a long time. The house gets so quiet because it's usually just me alone at home and my parents are at work. And um at school, this guy's still dropping hints that he like me and-"

Haley sees the worry on Aurelia's face grow as she went silent and put down the bottle of Snapple.

"I know, but if you like him too, there's no harm in going out- even just on one date and see how you really feel."

The tears were starting to well up in Aurelia's eye out of frustration and confusion, she didn't know how to put her feelings in to words and she was scared that it would drive her best friend of years, away.

"Hey, what's wrong? Oh my, God, are you crying? Ray..." Haley pulls her into another hug instantly.

"Ay, Lia! You told her?" Unbeknownst them, Gloria was at the park with her friend. Aurelia's heart dropped as her breathing hitched.

"Tell me what?" Haley slowly pulled away to be met with Aurelia's bloodshot eyes.

"Oh no." Gloria grimaces.

"What, why 'oh no'. What's happening? What did she tell you, Gloria?" Haley turns to the Latina who'd just sat down with them on the picnic mat.

"Haley, I don't know how to tell you." She sobbed, "I'm scared."

"Look, it's okay. You're my best friend- I've known you forever, Ray. We both know we can tell each other anything. There's nothing I haven't heard before. Take your time."

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