Chapter 35

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"What's that mean? More tests?" Rita held back a scoff, trying not to lose it in front of Aurelia.

"The ultrasound shows a growth, but it was pretty much inconclusive. We'll have to send her for a CT scan and see how that goes before we decide on the next step."

"Alright then, so do we wait for a call from the clinic for the date?"

"We would rather we get her admitted to speed up the process." Doctor Florence answered.

"Admitted?" Aurelia asked, "I'm in the middle of the school year. I don't want to miss my classes and fall behind."

"While I understand that- Your blood work's fine, but based on what you've shared about your pain and other symptoms, I would recommend admission."

"Fine." Aurelia sighs, defeated.

Given that Aurelia had this appointment after school, it was now nearly six in the evening so she was tired. "We'll just be picking up something for dinner then we'll be home, okay, mija?"

"Fine, can I sleep in the meantime?"

"Of course." Rita nods, driving away from the hospital parking lot. Once Aurelia closes her eyes, she receives a text from Haley. Annoyed, she quickly replies and locked the screen.

Rita stops at a fast food restaurant to get takeout of burgers and fries. Truth be told, she was way too occupied by what went down at Aurelia's appointment to be putting too much thought into dinner tonight.

"She's in a bad mood, and rightfully so. She's been poked and prodded more times than I can already count."

"Whatever this is, it's already disrupting her life. I'm not even that religious but seriously- keep her in your thoughts and prayers."

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"Mija, Haley's here." Rita knocks on her door. Haley enters a second or so later.

"What are you doing here? It's late." Aurelia asks without turning around to face her. Haley finds her way to sit in front of Aurelia anyway.

"It's Friday night. My Mom and Dad were fine with me coming over." Haley shrugs.

"I'm in a bad mood." She says.

"That's fine, you don't have to talk about anything. I'm just here."

"I'm sorry. We haven't been able to spend much time together the past few months."

"You have something to take care of, I understand that. Just as long as I know you're okay."

Aurelia takes in a sharp breath, her fingers fiddling with the corner of her pillowcase. "Haley, I'm scared that I might not be okay."

Concerned, Haley shifts from sitting at the desk to sitting on Aurelia's bed.

"They want me to go for a CT scan because even with the ultrasound, they couldn't figure out what it was."


"As dumb as they all might think I am, I had a feeling something more serious was going on. She didn't want me to worry, I get that. But I am her girlfriend, it's normal for me to be worrying."

"But instead, she's been dealing with all of it on her own. She has her Mom with her, but judging by how badly she just- sobbed in front of me, she's been bottling it up. Or like, ignoring it till she couldn't."

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