Chapter 19

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"How come we don't have the same number of containers and lids?" Claire was in the kitchen trying to match all the Tupperwares with their lids when Phil walks in. "Why would they ever get separated?"

"Built-up resentment, money issues, met a younger lid."


"Uh-huh." Phil shuts the fridge door.

"Mom, where's my science homework?"

Claire replies with, "It's over there on the table."

"So, Alex, honey- what's going on? Anything exciting?" Claire turned to face her.

"No." She responded while grabbing her homework off the table.

"Any boys?"


"I'm feeling a bit disconnected from Alex right now. Last week, I picked up her cellphone thinking it was mine, and I accidentally read a few flirty messages that were probably from a boy in her class- which is fine."

"Or they're from a drifter."


"Come on, isn't there something you wanna share with your mommers?"

"Yeah, don't call yourself 'mommers'."

Claire sighs, frustrated. "He blew his lid when she tried to contain him." Phil says while holding a container in one hand and a lid in the other.

"Okay, what do you think?" Cam asks Mitch as he walks out from a fitting room.

"I like it."

"But you don't love it."

"No. I love it, I love it." Mitch quickly says.

Then Cameron asks, "As much as you love the other one?"

"Ooh." Mitch sucks his teeth, looking to be in thought about that question. As Cam reenters the fitting room, Mitch lets out a groan, flopping onto the backrest of the couch. "Okay." Cam walks out again. Mitch instantly sat up straight, "Hm."

"The house is on fire. I only have time to grab one shirt- which one do I take?"

"The correct answer is, take Lily."

Cam nodded, "After that."

"Okay, the blue one." Mitch decided.

"Because the gray one washes me out."

"Cam, you can't go wrong here." Mitchell stood up, "Everything you've tried on looks great."

"I love you in both of them."

"Aw, you're so nice to me." Cam smiled, trying to lean in for a kiss but Mitch backs away and brushes his shoulders off instead.



"Mitchell has a problem with public display of affection. I remember once at a New Year's Eve party, stroke of midnight, he high-fived me."

The camera zooms in.

"Two problems with that. One, gays don't high-five. Two, gays don't high-five."


Meanwhile at the Delgado-Pritchett house, Jay's just returned home. "Mmm. What smells so good?"

"I'm making chunchullo, a traditional Colombian dish." Gloria was stirring something on the stove, "For the family dinner tonight."

"Chunchullos." Jay said, walking over, "What is that, like tacos?"

Prove It - Haley DunphyWhere stories live. Discover now