Chapter 32

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"Tonight's opening night." Haley squealed. "We've all worked really hard on this. I only agreed to it because Aurelia also agreed to come along. I don't hate it, it's just not what I feel like I want to do."

"I still can't believe we're actually doing this." Aurelia takes in a deep breath, looking right at the camera- it zooms in closer on her face, "Will I do it again? Maybe, it's pretty easy."


[Phil & Claire]
"I wouldn't have pegged Haley as much of an actor." Claire reveals, "But I am very excited to see the girls perform tonight."

"Agreed." Phil nodded, "And what an iconic movie that is."

"Anyway, the girls are already at school getting ready. And according to Haley, shes 'so excited for it to be over because I'm so sick of the lines'."

Phil feigned being offended, gasping, "What?"

"Well- I get it. Reading lines over and over, they probably know it so well and just want to get it out." Claire shrugged, "That doesn't mean they're not excited."

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"How are you not nervous?" Haley asks, twisting the ring on her finger.

"I am. Just not showing it." Aurelia held the script in her hand rather tightly, and it was already falling apart after the last few weeks of rehearsals.

"Put that down for a second and eat." Haley urges, pulling her own chair closer to Ray's. They hear footsteps approach as Ray lets go off the bound stack of papers. "Hey, guys." Zach and Noah came up to them. "Hey." The couple reply almost in unison. Zach was playing Ryan, and Noah was playing Troy. They both honestly looked pretty much like their characters.

"Why aren't you guys having your lunch?" Noah asks, biting into a tuna sandwich. Zach agrees, taking a sip of coffee out of the paper cup he was holding.

"She's not." Haley glares at Ray, then the plate of untouched pizza.

"Girl, I beg- stop looking at the script for like, 20 minutes and eat." Noah had a hand on his hip. "Right?" Haley sighs, "Okay, now you're showing it. But we'll all do just fine- we know our lines. Even Zach!"

Noah snorted, laughing. Zach looks offended for a split second but then brush it off.

"We're going back to work in 30 minutes, everybody!" Mrs. Fowler announced as she walks past the four of them.

They flinch slightly at how loud her voice was. But, it wasn't long before they resumed their chatting and eating of their lunches.

A few hours later, they were in hair and makeup. Of course, running their lines meanwhile. "Okay, I'm not gonna look at that anymore." Haley decides, tossing the script onto the messy table scattered with makeup products and brushes.

"Ugh. Same." Aurelia searches for her phone to check for text messages.

Before the knew it, it was down to the last few minutes before showtime. Aurelia and Noah had a duet to sing already in the first act so the girl was certainly starting to feel the nerves creep back in. "You got this. You rehearsed, and you sounded great. Okay? Just focus on one person sitting in the audience."  Haley encouraged.

"Thanks, Hales." Aurelia exhales, "Break a leg."

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