Chapter 49

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"I can't do it, Hales." Aurelia cried.

"What? Baby, what's wrong?"

"I'm just so tired." Her face was hidden in her hands, tears running down her cheeks.

"Ray, look at me." Haley sighs. Aurelia resisted, continuing to face the window. "Aurelia, look at me. Talk to me."

Aurelia shook her head, crouched over. "It's no use...I just want all this to end. I don't want to be in pain anymore."

"You've already came this far, baby." Haley grabbed her hands and forced her to look at her in the eye this way.

The other girl only managed to cry harder, fully falling into Haley's embrace. Haley plops down onto the couch, pulling the girl onto her lap. Unsure of what to say, she could only hold her tightly while whispering assurances into her ear.

Aurelia was resisting all of it, she didn't want to listen.

The past month has been incredibly difficult. Aurelia's flareups were horrendous, leaving her house-ridden. The girl was bored out of her mind while having pain being the only thing she could think of and feel. It drove her absolutely insane. To make matters worse, Haley was at school. So she was truly on her own. A couple days ago, Haley returned home for the weekend and Aurelia just lost it, having bottling everything up for days.

"You wanna get some sleep, baby? I'll be right here with you."

Aurelia barely nodded, then just shut her eyes, trying her best to ignore her very 'loud' symptoms. Haley rubs her back while holding Aurelia in her arms, shifting herself slightly to get into a more comfortable position.

Haley says while rubbing comforting circles on Aurelia's back to lull her to sleep, "You'll be okay, Ray. You'll be okay."

After a nap, Aurelia woke up still feeling poorly, but she did apologise for her 'meltdown'. "You shouldn't have to deal with that, Hales. I'm sorry I was behaving that way."

"Oh, God. Babe, don't even start that with me. I'm just glad to be here with you for a bit." Haley lets a soft sigh fall from her lips, "Is there anything I can get you?"

Aurelia cautiously got out of bed to use the restroom, not bothering to close the door. "I already took the meds, not sure why I did because they barely help." Aurelia told her while washing her hands.

"What time's your Mom home tonight?" Haley frowns.

"She gets off work at 5:30. So I'd say about six? And yes, she's making dinner if that's what you wanna know."

Haley grins sheepishly, "I'm sorry things have been rough lately. How about we just cuddle and watch some movies while we snack on some of your favourite cookies?"

Aurelia groans, "I also feel like shit being home all day but I don't wanna be outside alone."

"Right now, you've got me." Haley smiled, "So if you wanna go for a walk, let's go. I got you."

"Shit, yeah. Let's go get some fresh air." Aurelia agreed. It was good for them, no doubt. Especially Aurelia who's been home for the last 48 hours and mainly in her own room.

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The pair took a few laps around the small park near their place, eventually sitting down at a bench. "I don't care if I have said this before but I will mean it every single time, babe. This is some tough shit you've been having to fight through. You're not weak for needing rest, needing medication, needing help. You're dealing with what a lot of people don't have to deal with, what a lot of people don't and can't understand. I don't have to deal with that, I don't fully understand it, but I am here for you no matter where I am, at school. I'll just be a call or text away."

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 07 ⏰

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