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Running down the marina and onto the dock, 27 year old Josaphine Vega held her new born baby.

She had just given birth and the police were hot on her trail.

"Please.. please please.." she cupped water onto her hands and put it on the baby's leg in an attempt to see if her tail would show. That would help Josie make her final decision.

Her face lit up when the youngers legs became entwined into a blue scaled tail. Josaphine took off, running off of the dock baby in hand into the water.

"We lost her captain!" One officer said looking down over the dock at the missing mother and supernatural baby.

"FIND HER" He could hear his captains voice boom from the other side.

But no one could.

Because they had returned home.

2 years later

The city of Atlantic was under attack, the castle had fallen and humans were invading. Noone knew just how they had gotten in, Noone knew about it except for the sirens who resided there.

"Take her to the shore" Josaphine's aunt said with her last dying breath.

Josaphine wasted no time in moving, dodging past all the dead bodies that fell, some turning into the ocean floor, others turning into plants.

The siren believed that if you were good in life you turned into a morning mist, a plant, or the ocean floor, but if you were bad, your soul would never be reincarnated into anything.

But with everyone she knew dying slowly, and a open wound, she made her way to the top. Pushing past everyone she finally made it, her wound affecting her faster than in the sea she took off running, going into a near by neighborhood she went to the only place she knew would be good for her daughter.

The same woman who took her in, Ms. Granda, now Ms Granda had a neighbor Ms. Bennett, Josaphine knew her daughter would be in great hands.

Pulling herself together, she heard her daughter start to cry, but she couldn't risk being caught so she did the only thing she could.

"In sleep, he sang to me.. In dreams, he came, That voice which calls to me, And speaks my name.." She sang.

"And do I dream again? For now, I find.. The phantom of the opera is here, inside my mind.."

By the time her singing had ended Milani was asleep once again.

Taking out the note she had written Incase she had to return back she placed it in the babies blanket, reaching the doorstep of the woman she trusted.

By the time she arrived to the doorstep she was fragile and weak, her brown eyes turning a full shade of Gray, she pushed the door bell while unhooking the necklace from around her neck, dropping it into the blanket, before the peaceful fate of Death took her. The last thing she ever saw was the sweet face of the baby she'd watch over from the heavens. And at last.. she'd became the finest morning mist, one that consisted of the smell of fresh flowers.

"Hello?" Ms Granda said opening the door.. smelling the morning mist she took a guess on who had dropped the baby off at her doorstep, she had her mother's entire face.

"Let's get you out of this cold" she said, pausing before grabbing the baby and taking the note out of the blanket which read the name 'Milani',  "Milani.."

Hours later the woman had set up a sort of crib and had set the baby down, now finding the time to open the note which had her attention..

"To Ms Granda, It is Josaphine.. if you are reading this. My time has come, and her father has attacked my home as a desperate attempt to secure the pink pearl, I am leaving you Milani because I know you'll do good by her, but these are the Three rules you MUST abide by to keep her safe from hunters..

1.  Don't allow her, if she becomes famous to sing on live television or radio, WITHOUT her necklace

2. Make sure she keeps this necklace on at all times.

3. You can't ever, EVER let her go to the ocean without knowing her background...

I will watch over you guys in the heavens, you will never see hard times. I assure you."

That's where the note ended. Ms Granda felt very upset, she had watched Josaphine when she was only 17 til the time she returned at 27, she only wished she could see her again.

Milani opened her little infant eyes, looking at the strange room, she let out a soft cry before hearing the soft steps of someone else, feeling the feminine aura she waited for someone to be standing over her, and when she saw Ms Granda she immediately felt safety.

But how long would it last.

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