02 ; rivalry

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the air between the two was intense. both waiting for their chemistry test to be handed back, eager to beat the other. finally, they received their scores. three. two. one.

jungwon and seoyeon hold eye contact. "YES I WON" seoyeon cheers in accomplishment.

jungwon sighs while staring at the two test papers. 96% and 91%. so close but so far. jungwon glanced at the girl who was now jumping up and down, a smile slowly appearing on his face. either way, he was content with his score.

"you know jungwon, maybe if you tried a little bit harder" she taunts while emphasising the little bit.

"then you could have gotten a higher mark than me in chemistry" seoyeon adds on, a proud smile displayed across her face.

"you always beat me in chemistry, seoyeon," he groans, laying his head on the table.

"well bad luck! i'm gonna beat you in the maths test as well," seoyeon teases, laughing. jungwon looks at the girl, secretly admiring her face as she laughs.


"see you tomorrow, seoyeon!" kazuha peeks her head into the classroom, smiling at the said girl.

"byee kazuha" seoyeon waves her friend goodbye, reciprocating the smile. she picks up her phone placed on the desk and opens her messages app.


kang 🐈

yang 🐑

kang 🐈
will you go to the library w me??
pretty please 🥺

yang 🐑
hold on let me think.. 🤔🤔

kang 🐈
Why not..? 😤😤
i said pretty please too :(

yang 🐑
ok fine..

kang 🐈
hurry up!!


seoyeon was waiting in the classroom for jungwon to appear at the door. she was currently sketching and doodling with her headphones in, listening to YOU BELONG WITH ME. a classic taylor swift song, who was one of her favourite artists. 

she continued to draw on her uncompleted biology worksheet while humming to the melody. but to her disappointment, a loud thud had to interrupt her jamming session.

"hey, what took you so long, won?" seoyeon raised her eyebrow at him.

"sorry, heeseung hyung pulled me out and i had to help him do some student council duties" jungwon explained, still heavily breathing from running his way to the classroom.

"that is why i didn't join the student council, boy" seoyeon unwraps her lollipop and pops it into her mouth.

"i guess.. anyways let's go!" jungwon ruffles her hair and starts to walk off.

"wait for me, won!" seoyeon catches up with the tall boy.





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liked by jw_yqng, jenaissante, _chaechae_1 and 231 others

studying at the library w yang garden.. zzz

📸 : @jw_yqng

jenaissante cutie patootie 🫵🫵
seo.kangz thank uuu love <3

jw_yqng my name is actually jungwon.. 🙄
seo.kangz No way !!! i didn't know that 🤯
jw_yqng shut up rn.

hhh.e_c.v pretty girl !! <3
seo.kangz got it from uu 💘

hoonzpark yang leader missed practice...
jw_yqng SORRY HYUNG :(  studies > basketball
seo.kangz not good enough jungwon !! smh
jw_yqng u FORCED me to go library w u
view 5 more replies

k_sunsun model seoyeon !!
seo.kangz my true calling 🤭🤭


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note ₍ᐢ. .ᐢ₎ hey!! that was chapter 2, how was it?? this ig post format was inspired by chapterwon. their stories are rlly good, go check them out!! thank uuu for reading chapter 2 <33 byeee

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