13 ; reality

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jungwon wakes up to the pitter-patter of rain falling outside of the window. his eyes open to the sight of seoyeon sleeping right in front of him.

he lays down listening to the rain sprinkling on the roof. he could never get tired of looking at seoyeon. there was just something about her.

her eyes closed. her long eyelashes. the slight pout on her lips. her cheeks coloured a light shade of rosy pink. her untidy hair. her cute little button nose.

he sits up, gazing out of the window. grey clouds were out and drops of rain were hitting the glass. he looks back briefly at seoyeon. he could see her chest rising up and down slowly,

jungwon looked around seoyeon's bedroom for a clock. on her desk, a digital clock read 6:55 pm. his eyes widened. he stayed way later than he had expected.

he carefully stood up from seoyeon's bed, trying not to wake the girl up. he tucks seoyeon into bed. securing the blankets around her small figure and placing the plush toy back into her arms.

he tiptoed out of the room, about to head to the front door. but, he glanced back to have one last look to her. admiring the sleeping girl with a small smile, he gently closes the door.

"oh? what are you doing here, jungwon?" jungwon snaps to turn to the sudden voice.

it was taehyun. jungwon sheepishly smiles at him, scratching the back of his neck like he had been caught.


sunlight poured through the window of seoyeon's window. 6:40 am. seoyeon had woken up a little bit earlier than usual. she sits up from her bed and looks around, still half asleep.

on her bedside table, there was a sticky note with neat handwriting. she picks it up and holds the note up close to read it.

'hey seoyeon :) i left a few hours after u had fallen asleep. i hope u feel better by the time you're reading this! me and taehyun hyung had made some food for you earlier so you can start the day with a full happy stomach. you're lucky that you get to taste my delicious cooking. see you soon!!

- jungwon <3'

that is when all of her memories of last night rushes into her head. his soothing singing voice. his arms around her waist. his gentle touch. him pulling her into a warm and loving hug. him stroking her hair. his sweet voice shushing her to sleep.

a bright pink blush slowly appears on her face. her head was heating up. god, what had happened yesterday? he sang her a sweet song to calm her down. he stayed beside her the whole time. he never let go of her hand, not even for a second.

mine | yang jungwon ✓Where stories live. Discover now