15 ; ghosted

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jungwon never came back with her strawberry milk.

his disappearance worried seoyeon a lot. unfortunately the last two periods, they had no classes together. so, she couldn't find out where he went.

she couldn't focus on class. resting her face on her left  hand with her elbow on the desk. her right hand spinning her pen. she was extremely worried about jungwon. where did he go? she didn't even care about the strawberry milk.

a slight frown stayed on her face for the rest of class. she wanted class to end faster so she could find where jungwon went. she didn't even know if he is still in class or left school early.

did he get sick? did he somehow injure himself? so he left early? she could only sit and wonder.

seoyeon stares out of the window, looking onto the two basketball courts. only jungwon was stuck in her head.


as soon as the bell rang, seoyeon bolted out of the classroom. looking left and right for the boy. speeding through the hallway to jungwon's locker. no one was there. he wasn't there.

maybe, he was still walking to his locker, right? seoyeon waited there with her stuff for a couple of minutes. a couple turned into ten. ten had turned into 20 and 20 had turned into 40. where was he?

seoyeon was now sitting on the floor, still holding her stuff from last period. she didn't even go to her locker to get her bag yet. she just wanted to see jungwon. she was extremely worried about him.

his sudden disappearance scares her. was there an emergency?

seoyeon pulls out her phone from her pocket and taps on jungwon's profile.



kang 🐈
where are uu
im in front
of ur locker
waiting for u btw
take ur time !!
delivered at 3:54 pm


a deep sigh is heard. another 15 minutes went by. seoyeon slowly stands up and heads to her locker, dragging her feet with her head slightly down.

at this time, barely anyone was at school. the halls were particularly empty and isolated. she opens up her locker and gathers her stuff to go home.

she goes home with a heavy heart, but her mind is filled with thoughts of jungwon. maybe, she will see him tomorrow? she could only hope for the best.


jungwon slams his bedroom door closed. he lazily walks over and plops onto his bed, chucking his bag somewhere on the ground. he was so drained. his head was a mess. to be honest, he was a mess.

his hair was dishevelled. his tie was loose. his dress shirt was a little bit wrinkled. even his room was a mess.

those words. those words that came out of her lips were bothering him. just friends, huh. were they really just friends? it didn't seem like it to jungwon. he actually thought it was going somehow. it was his fault for assuming things.

he sits up from his bed and faces the mirror in front of him. a small tear runs down his cheek. he quickly wipes it away. but more tears appeared. he tried to wipe all of them as fast as he could. but he couldn't.

it hurts. it hurts so much. jungwon didn't know that such simple words could hurt him this bad. i guess that's what happens when you like someone very much.

their words mean everything to you. the good ones and the bad ones.

music. he needed music. he reaches for his phone and unlocks it. pressing on the green and black app, playing his most recent playlist on shuffle.

the soft piano keys start to play, filling the room with its tune. the music notes echoes through jungwon's ears as he slowly breathes in and out. his eyelids slowly close to its soothing melody.

♪  sun in my eyes, navy-blue skies
you are the reason i can survive ♪

jungwon lays back onto his bed with his arm covering his eyes. just when he thought they could have been more. all of it fell into pieces. just like his now broken heart.

♪  this is how you fall in love
let go and i'll hold you up
so pull me tight and close your eyes
oh, my love, side to side ♪

the pain of love. was that what he was feeling? he has no clue. but, he knows for sure that he likes seoyeon. sadly, she doesn't like him back.

his phone lights up. a notification popped up on his screen. but he never saw it, too dejected to move. he never saw the message. her message. seoyeon's message.


seoyeon slid her feet against the wooden floor of her house. entering the kitchen, she rests her head on the counter, closing her eyes for a bit. a few minutes passed but she was still in the same spot.

opening her eyes again. she heads to her room with her school bag in hand, dragging her feet. seoyeon felt so empty. having no idea where the boy she likes absolutely sucks.

seoyeon carefully opens her bedroom door. the first thing she sees makes her want to cry. the flower. the gardenia, jungwon had given her that one night.

god, she remembers that night so vividly. his eyes, illuminated by the glowing light of the moon. his soft hands that she would accidentally brush over. his fluffy hair, she wished she could touch. his pink plump lips she forcefully had to take her eyes off of.

the soft gaze on his face whenever he would look at her. she wanted to melt on the spot. his sweet words that never failed to comfort her.

she would never forget. her sight becomes blurry, her eyes brimming up with wet tears. she walks towards the white petalled flower.

gardenias. they represent secret love. how could she not realise. jungwon likes her back. he likes her back?


note ₍ᐢ

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note ₍ᐢ. .ᐢ₎ i'm obsessed with criminal love guys. it's actually insane how it's only a webtoon ost. we could of had soty fr. we were robbed sobbing. 

anyways, mine only has 10 chapters left until it's over TT can't believe it... but that means i can start my other book which i am very excited to share w ygs !! 

i hope all of you have a great day n enjoy this short chapter <33 love u all! goodnight, i'm off to sleep probs.

mine | yang jungwon ✓Where stories live. Discover now