06 ; notebook

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it has been 4 days since jungwon got sick and unfortunately he is still unable to attend school. but he is slowly recovering and is hopefully able to go to school next week.

seoyeon had barely survived jungwon's absence but she got through it, thankfully. right now, 4th period has ended and she was walking to the cafeteria to find her friends.

"seoyeon!" eunchae starts running towards seoyeon, greeting her with a warm tight hug.

"the boys went to play basketball, so it's just us," eunchae explained with a bright toothy grin.

"oh, they're practising for their upcoming tournament, right?" seoyeon asked and eunchae nodded innocently.

seoyeon grabs eunchae, "let's go eat lunch, knowing you, you are probably hungry" she pointed at the girl who was pouting.

they both buy their food and meet up with the other girls at the table. sakura and chaewon were eating their lunch, talking to one another while kazuha and yunjin were laying on the seat, staring soullessly into the ceiling.

eunchae and seoyeon sit down, staring at the two girls, "what are they doing?" seoyeon points to kazuha and yunjin.

"they have a major assignment due tomorrow," sakura deadpanned.

"shouldn't they be working on it?" eunchae asks, a book comes flying towards her but barely misses.

"don't remind me," yunjin groans.


friday, 4:00 pm

"you are dismissed," the teacher announces to the class. the majority of the class immediately walked out of class, rushing back to their homes.

however, seoyeon stayed in her seat, finishing some of her notes in her book. her face was extremely close to the table, her eyes concentrated on writing. she was putting a lot of thought into these notes. seoyeon wanted them to be full of detail.

she had written each letter carefully, worried she may miss an important concept or keyword. next to her, she had a collection of highlighters, pens, colours and sticky notes. she really loves to buy stationery.

"i'm finished!" the girl raised her notebook in the air, relieved she had finished writing before her hand felt very sore. seoyeon had been writing these notes over the whole school week. she was satisfied looking through the pages of notes she had written.

seoyeon then packed up her stuff and headed out of the classroom. she took out her phone, scrolled through her contacts and called someone, "hey jay, can i ask you for a favour?"

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