Papa IV/Copia x Reader pt. 4 - baby

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Continuation of Rough Day
Warning: Contains Birth
Also Terzo's in this, mostly because I feel like we need a level headed person to counter the chaotic and panicky soon-to-be dad Copia, and also any excuse to put Terzo into something because I said so.

You struggle through the day, everything hurts, you're so tired, and the baby's kicking more and more. You end up having to lay on the couch and let Aether soothe your migraine.

"When's she due?" Someone asks.
"Two more weeks," you say, trying to stop the shivering.

"Are you okay?" Someone else asks.
"I... I don't know," you say, "I feel terrible. I can't move, I'm shivering, my skin hurts, I'm nauseous."

"Is there a doctor you can call?" Someone asks.
You hear someone else come into the room quickly. "Mi Cara? Is everything alright? Do we need to go the hospital?" It's Copia.

"It's just pregnancy side effects," Aether says. "I can't find anything else it could be,"
"These last two weeks are going to be hell..." you groan.

"I'm going to take care of you," Copia says, "You're going to be fine. I'm going to make sure of it." He says.

You sigh. It's going to be a long two weeks.

The next week goes by, the pain, surprisingly, going away day by day.

Your sitting in the Kitchen, chatting with Terzo while Copia messes with something in the kitchen. You have to admit, you're enjoying the time you've been spending with Terzo.

His positive attitude and warm personality are what make him such a good friend. He's also been very enthused with the idea of being an Uncle.

You chat for a bit before you feel something inside you break and run down your legs. Your water broke.

You look at your lap and Terzo does too. You both look up at each other, Copia still completely oblivious as to what just happened.

"Shit." You say.
"Shit." Terzo agrees.

"What?" Copia asks, turning to face the two of you.
"Her water broke!" Terzo says.

"What? B-b-but she's not due for another week!" Copia says.
"Well her water just broke," Terzo says, helping you up.

"B-but the baby can't come yet! What if it's not ready!" Copia says, the panic starting to hit.

"We don't really have the option to do that, now go get the car!" Terzo says, doing his best to stay calm. Copia runs off and Terzo helps you walk.
"C'mon, we gotta get you to the hospital," he says.
You let him guide you to the car.
You lie down in the backseat and pull the blanket up over your legs.

"Do you have any pain right now?" Terzo asks.
"A little, but it's not bad," you say.
"That's good," he says, noding.

You spend the next few minutes in the car on the way to the hospital. You lie down in the backseat, your legs propped up on the seat in front of you. Terzo's doing his best to help you stay calm and Copia's panicking in the front seat.

"What if something happens and you b-b-both get sick! What w-w-will we d-d-do?" Copia says. Terzo rolls his eyes.

"They'll be fine, just focus on driving," he says.
"I was going to focus on you!" Copia says, turning around and giving him a glare.

"Jesus Christ," Terzo mutters, "Just stop panicking, would you?" He says. "Focus on driving or We're all going to end up in the hospital for a very different reason!"

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