⛔️Aurora x Reader - Heat⛔️

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Ghoulette reader BTW

You work on cleaning up your room before someone knocks on the door.
"Who is it?" You Call.
"It's me, Aurora," she says. "Can I come in? I want to talk to you,"

You sigh and say, "Fine."
You let her into your room and she sits down on the bed. You continue to clean while she talks. "I want to ask you about something?"
"Sure, what is it?"

"Um..." She looks away bashfully. "I-I-I started getting this weird feeling in my stomach a-and it gets worse when I'm around the boys," she says.

"Are you getting your period?" You ask.
"N-no, I checked and there's no blood," she says. "A-and I noticed that I've been getting a little more aggressive and a little more annoyed easily,"

You think for a bit, you're not sure what this could be, before you remember something.
"Oh, Aurora," you say.

"I think you might be going into heat," you say. "How many pairs of underwear have you gone through today?"

"Uh-umm, th-three," She says, holding her tail.
"Yeah, your going into heat and that strange feeling in your stomach is arousal,"
"How do I make it go away?" She asks.

"Well, you can either get one of the guys to knot you or manage to handle it for a week," you say.
She whimpers. "I don't wanna get knotted," she says.

"I...I'm a virgin..." she mumbles. "A-and I'm scared of having sex with a guy..."
"It's alright, you'll figure it out." You say.

"I...I love you."
"I love you too."
"Can I see you?"

You blush and say, "O-oh, um, yeah, yeah, I'll come to your room in about an hour. I'll take care of you,"
"Okay," She says.

She scampers off and you go back to picking up.
After a few hours, you go into Aurora's room and she's in her pajamas. She's pacing around her room in her nightgown.

"Are you okay?" you ask.
"Yeah," she sighs, "I just...I just want this feeling to go away."

"I know, but we'll get through this. Don't worry. " you say. "I think I can at least offer some relief," you say.
"You can?" She asks.

"I think so," you say. "I just need your consent," you say. "I need you to be comfortable with this."
"Okay." She says, her face still flushed with embarrassment.
"Do you consent?"
"I consent," she says.

You put your hands on her hips and pull her closer to you and kiss her gently. After a few moments you release her and she steps back.
"I'm going to take my top off," you say.

You unclasp your bra and let it fall. She looks down at your breasts and blushes more.
You smile and pull your hair back. You run your fingers through her hair and cup her face.
You look into her eyes and notice they're kind of a pastel rainbow.

"You have beautiful eyes," you say.
"You have beautiful eyes," she replies.

You lean in and gently press your lips to hers. You slowly deepen the lip contact and she responds by kissing you back. You keep the contact and she moans softly. You break the lip contact and look into her eyes. They're filled with lust, but they also look scared.

"There's nothing to be scared of my dear," you say. "I'll take care of you,"
She blushes and nods.

"Now, you might wanna get a towel to keep this from getting too messy~" you chuckle softly. She nods and grabs a towel from her bathroom and you drape it over the bed.

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