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Falling in love with a bad boy was such a fucking cliché.

Harry was so sick and tired of everyone falling in love with Louis Tomlinson and the rest of his gang was such a fucking cliché. What was so attractive about them anyways? They thought school life was a joke and their main purpose was to ruin Harry's school years. Harry hated people like them, people like Louis, who thought it would be fun to do pranks and not get punished for them. Harry could make it through the idiotic and quite unfunny pranks, but he just couldn't get over Louis' teasing. He could be such an asshole sometimes and all Harry wanted was to be left alone. Having Louis and his' lockers side by side didn't make it easier either.

''Excuse me.'' Harry cleared his throat, as he tried to get to his locker. However, the girl pressed on his locker by Louis' body and furiously making out with that girl. They didn't even moved an inch and Harry sighed, before tapping on Louis' shoulder with some more added pressure than needed just for good measure.

''What the hell man?'' Louis asked, pulling away from the girl he was making out with and Harry rolled his eyes, trying to open his locker.

''I asked you a question and I am expecting a fucking answer.'' Louis said, through gritted teeth.

''I just wanted to get to my locker room and you were in my way, as always.'' Harry replied with a fake smile, trying to act fake-sweet. The girl that was squeezed between the locker and Louis' body giggled to herself, as she took out of her back pocket a tube of lip gloss and opened her camera phone.

''What?'' Harry snapped at her and she giggled again, shrugging, as she applied some of the product on her lips.

''That hair of yours is ridiculous.'' she smiled at him and Louis chuckled beside her. Harry pursed his lips together staring at her up and down and made a face.

''Those jeans make your ankles look chubby.'' he said, before pulling out his books and slammed the locker door, walking away. Louis turned his head to look at Harry walking away and cocked his head to the side, smirking. Seeing Harry angrily stomping with his curls bouncing was kinda cute.

''Such a bitch.'' the girl said, smacking her lips and Louis turned to face her again.

''You did call him ridiculous, which was uncalled for.'' he reasoned. She rolled her eyes, leaning back against the locker again and batted her eyelashes at him.

''Wanna keep making out? Can skip last period.'' she suggested, putting a hand behind Louis' neck and leaned in to kiss him, but Louis took a step back.

''Nah. Can't skip.'' he said, walking away, leaving her surprised.


Harry sat in class, waiting for it to start and the professor to arrive, opening his book and crossed his ankles over one another. He sighed, tugging at his curls a bit and tried to think about his hair from another person's perspective. Maybe he needed a haircut or something. He thought that now that his hair fell on his shoulders in rich brunette curls, it looked good, but maybe he was just wrong and he did look weird and ridiculous with them. It was time for a haircut. While being in deep thought, someone behind him tug at one of his curls and the young boy turned his face with a deep frown on his face. He hated when people did that. Who the fuck allowed them to touch Harry like that?

Of course it was Louis.

''What the hell?'' he asked him and Louis smirked, sitting at the desk behind him.

''What?'' Louis asked the smirk never leaving his face and the younger boy rolled his eyes, turning back to his books.


''Would you stop?'' he snapped at Louis, who chuckled full and bright and Harry sighed, shaking his head.

''You have such nice curls, how could I?'' he said and the younger boy trapped his upper lip with his teeth in thought.

''Well, your girlfriend really thinks they suck, so.'' he told him and tried to turn back and just focus on his freaking books when Louis grabbed his shoulder.

''She's just jealous of you.'' he replied and Harry just turned his head and grabbed his books, moving to the other side of the class and sat down, before getting a hair tie from his back and pulled his curls in a bun, trying not to turn and look at Louis.

From the other side of the classroom, Louis had supported his cheek against his palm, as he stared at Harry. He had to admit that the boy was cute. And he looked cuter when he was upset and teased. With his silky, brunette curls, that landed on his shoulders and his bright, forest green eyes and his plump, pink lips. Harry had always been teacher's pet and the most adorable boy at school, according to everyone. Always willing to help, polite, good student and those killer eyes made Harry one of the most lovable people at school.

''Hello-Louis?'' the professor, Mr. Thomson asked, as soon as he saw Louis in the classroom, as if he was surprised and Louis nodded. It was a rare sight to find him in class at that time, but he wanted to see Harry.

''Alright, let's get started then.'' he said and turned his head around in search for his favorite student and frowned when he saw him at the back of the class.

''Harry, come back sit back at your seat. Changing seats is not allowed.'' he said and Harry furrowed his eyebrows.

''Louis doesn't sit there, though and I don't wanna sit near him.'' Harry protested and everyone snapped their heads at Harry's direction. It was a very unlikely situation for the young boy not to like someone and everyone started whispering in hushed voices about what was going on between them.

''It's not up to you whether you want to sit next to Louis, Mr. Styles. Get back to your seat.'' he told him and Harry sighed, grabbing his things for one more time, sitting back to his former seat. When the lesson started, Louis leaned over Harry's neck and whispered in his ears.

''I'll have you crawling to me by the end of the year.''

''Fuck off.''

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