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Harry got back home soaked in water and basically his clothes dripping on the hardwood floor. He sighed, leaving Louis' umbrella to the side and headed to his room. He took off his clothes and stepped into the shower. He let the hot water fall on his body and groaned as he felt his body relax and finally the bad day he just had being washed off his body. He sat there with his forehead against the cold tiles, until he felt mentally stable enough to continue his fucking day. He just hated Louis. He hated that Louis thought that an apology would fix this- would fix them. What did Louis expect? That Harry would fall at his feet and they will become best fucking friends? Or did he think that Harry would go around saying that Louis was the greatest bully he had ever had and that he was grateful he apologized. This wasn't a fairytale and Louis Tomlinson was just a proper arsehole.

Once his skin was bright red and itching Harry knew that it was time to get out of the shower. He wrapped a white, clean towel around his waist and used his hand to clean the fog from the mirror. He looked at his reflection and sighed. God damn, stupid Louis. He hated the guy. He fucking hated him.

Niall: Mate, where the hell are you?? We were supposed to meet after school at my place for that biology project!!:///

Harry: Sozzz!!!!!!! After last period, it started raining like mad and I ran into Louis, who wouldn't let me goooo:((((

Niall: Louis Tomlinson??? Since when do you just call him 'Louis'?? Did anything sexy happen???;))))))

Harry: Ewwww!!!!!!!!! no?!?! dfviherifhefi

Niall: you would look so, so cute tho

Harry: Neil!! No!!!


Harry: noooooo. also, i'll be there in an hour. be dressed :))))

Niall: ill tryyyyy

Harry tossed his phone on the bed and grabbed a towel to wrap around his hair. He waited until he had dried of, as he searched through his closet for an outfit. He decided on a simple dark green sweater and a black pair of jeans. He put his damp hair in a bun and he applied some lip gloss on his lips, smacking them together. He smiled at his reflection in the mirror and put on his suede boots, and grabbed his phone, running down the stairs, when he stopped at his tracks seeing his mother entering their house.

''Haz, where are you going? It's pouring outside.'' she told him and the younger boy pouted seeing that his mother was right and it was fucking raining again.

''Fuck.'' Harry whined, tossing his hair back and took Louis' umbrella, ''me and Niall need to finish a project and I have to go.'' he continued and his mother nodded.

''Did you have lunch?'' she asked him and he shook his head. Anne rolled her eyes and went to the kitchen, opening the fridge and grabbed a cold turkey sandwich, giving it to Harry and she grabbed his face, planting a kiss on his cheek, before wiping the excess lipstick on Harry's cheek. The young boy made a face, but smiled, nonetheless.

''Be back in two hours and there will be some proper lunch for you when you come back. Have fun, love you.'' Anne said and Harry grinned, saying that he loved her too, before he exited the house. He put his headphones on, clicking on the 'get hyped' playlist and walked down the street, holding Louis' umbrella on the one hand and his mum's sandwich on the other, munching on it.


''Louis is so hot. I'd be on all fours for him and barking, if he told me to.'' Niall said and Harry rolled his eyes at his best friend.

''Niall, you're straight.'' Harry frowned.

''I'd be down for Louis.'' he shrugged and Harry groaned, grabbing his best friend's laptop from the floor in an attempt to actually work on their project. Niall fell on the bed and stared at the ceiling.

''I don't get how everyone is so in love with him. The guy is a jerk. Can you believe that he had the freaking nerve to apologize to me today? As if he hadn't been a jerk to me, since I was born! I hate him. Like, he's a proper asshole and I hate how he thinks that a 'sorry' will fix everything and that I will forget about the way that he treated me this whole time.'' Harry said and Niall looked at him confused.

''I am sensing that something happened between you and Louis.'' he narrowed his eyes at the green-eyed boy and Harry shook his head, sighing.

''Back in Middle school he used to make fun of everyone, because he thought he was so cool, but he was just being a jackass. He's still the same person, but he got kinda hot and he's captain of the football team and he gets away with his shitty personality. He used to call me 'Pimples' all throughout high school and he doesn't even remember, making my school years suck ass.'' Harry explained to Niall and the blonde, Irish man made a face at that.

''Sounds rough, man.'' he said, wincing a bit and Louis shrugged once again.

''He was just a jerk and he wants me to forgive him. Fuck him, honestly. Now, let's finish this and play FIFA because I have to be at home in two hours.'' Harry told him and Niall sat up, slapping his hands against his thighs.

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