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*2 weeks later*

Harry closed his eyes, pressing the heels of his hands on them and feeling the burning sensation from the long hours of studying under the bright light. It was Friday night and since his mother had the afternoon shift, it was his chance to have a good study session, away from distractions. He checked his phone, turning off the Do not disturb mode and saw that it was 10PM. He stretched out, letting out muffled sound and fell on his bed. He noticed that Louis had sent him a few voicemails. 

''Hey, babe. I am going to a party tonight and I was wondering if you wanna join. It's gonna be fun.'' he said and Harry checked the time it was sent. 7PM.

''I'm assuming you're studying again. I can come and pick you up, if you want.'' 

''Haz, I'm going there right now. The party is at Lucas' house by the way, if you wanna come.''

''Heeeeeyyyyyyyyyyy, baaaaaaaabe, I miss you so,so much and everyone is making out and I am a bit jealous and I wanna kiss youuuu.'' Louis slurred drunkenly and Harry smiled, because it was kinda cute. He checked the time and it was sent fifteen minutes ago, so he decided to call him. Louis picked up almost immediately and Harry could hear the pounding music from the other side of the line. 

''Hello, darling.'' Louis said on the phone.

''Hey, Lou. Are you having fun?'' Harry asked.

''Not much. It's kinda lame.'' he whined and Harry giggled. 

''Maybe you can come over here at my place?'' he suggested, tracing his index finger on the duvet.


''Mhm.'' Harry hummed.

''Alright. Be there in 10 minutes.'' he said and hang up. Harry got up and opened his wardrobe to change clothes. He wanted to look effortesly hot for his boyfriend and baggy sweats with a white T-Shirt with very questionable stains on it, isn't very sexy.

Louis stood in front of Harry's house and knocked on the door, sucking on the tip of his cigarette. Harry opened the door a few seconds later and Louis smirked. He dropped his cigarette on the ground and Harry pulled him inside by his leather jacket.

''Hey.'' Louis said and Harry smiled against Louis' lips, before connecting them. He tasted like alcohol and nicotine and like cinnamon, spicy and sweet at the tip of his tongue. He placed his hands on Louis' shoulders and tried to take of his black, leather jacker off. Louis let the jacket drop on the floor, before wrapping his arms around Harry's waist, bringing him closer. 

''Are you drunk?'' Harry asked, but Louis shook his head. 

''I was there for less than an hour. Just a bit tipsy.'' he told him and Harry grinned. 

''I'm happy you're here.'' Harry said and Louis tightened his grip around him. 

''When I see you, my day gets so much better. You feel like a fucking drug. I'd rather be here with you than that lame party and I used to fucking love those parties. You feel so special to me and sometimes I can't help but wonder if I am in love with you." Louis said and Harry's eyes immediately widened at his last words.

"You are in love with me? Are you sure you're not drunk?" he questioned and Louis simply shrugged.

"I don't know. I've never felt this way before for anyone and it's just so weird. As if I'm going to explode into a million pieces or something. You know when you wake up and you feel so excited because you'll do something fun or you'll get something really fucking cool? Like your stomach is turning into knots and shit. That's how I wake up every morning knowing that I will see you. Even before we got together, I went to every freaking class in hopes to see you. I don't know if what I am feeling is love or something else, but it's making me all fuzzy inside." Louis admitted and Harry was at loss of words. Louis' bright eyes were looking at him with no hesitation or the feeling of being afraid. He was genuine, even if he had drunk.

''I feel the same.'' Harry mumbled and Louis smiled, his arms still around the green-eyed boy. 

''You're stunning.'' Louis said, stroking his upper cheekbones and Harry bit his lip to stop himself from grinning too wide.

''You always say that.'' Harry said, with a smile on his face.

''Because every time I see you, you just get prettier and prettier.'' Louis told him.

''You saw me this morning.'' 

''So?'' Louis said and Harry giggled, wrapping his arms around Louis' waist and connected their lips. 

''You should come over more often, if it makes you say all those things.'' 

Louis chuckled and leaned in, capturing his lips with Harry's again. His hands traveled down Harry's body and rested on the swell of his ass. Harry pulled away and grabbed his hand to lead him upstairs, but Louis stopped him. 

''I'm not ready to do that.'' he told him and Harry rolled his eyes. 

''Jesus, all you think about is sex! I just wanna hang out.'' Harry said and led Louis up the stairs. As they were climbing the stairs, Louis stroked the back of Harry's thigh and the young boy turned around surprised. 

''These shorts look good on you.'' he commented and Harry smirked, as Louis ran his fingers up and down the milky, smooth and hairless skin of Harry's thighs. 

''Yeah? They're new.'' he said and bit his lower lip. 

''Well, they make your ass look delicious.'' 

''Delicious?'' Harry giggled and took him to his room.

''Mhm...'' Louis hummed and wrapped his arms around Harry's body and his back crashed Louis' chest, as Louis pressed his lips against Harry's neck. When they entered Harry's room, Louis let go of Harry and sat on his desk chair. Harry took his laptop and sat on the bed. 

''Someone has been studying.'' Louis noticed all the books on his desk.

''Yeah. I had my phone turned off too, that's why I didn't call you back.'' Harry told him and Louis hummed, looking through Harry's notes, as if he actually cared and the words weren't just mixing together because of his slightly blurred vision. 

''Lou, come lie down, you're half drunk.'' Harry said, patting the space next to him and Louis fell on the bed face first, making the young boy giggle. 

''At least take your clothes off, before you fall asleep.'' Harry told him and Louis groaned against the pillow, using his hands to pull down his jeans and T-Shirt tossing them on the floor, along with his Vans and Harry chuckled. 

''Do you want any sweats?'' he asked him, but Louis shook his head. 

''No, I just wanna cuddle with you.'' the blue-eyed man mumbled and Harry grinned, pressing 'play' on his playlist and set the laptop on the floor, as he scooted closer to Louis. He wrapped his arms around Harry and kissed the top of his head. 

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 06 ⏰

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