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Seeing Harry in his literally tiny dodgeball shorts, made teaching a late PE class much easier. That's what Louis thought, anyways.

''Okay, so let's pick our teams.'' Louis instructed them and everyone separated. It came as no surprise, when Harry was chosen last and the green-eyed boy walked unwillingly towards the interior gym and was told to throw the ball first.

Total miss and it ended with him getting hit in the nuts and sitting on the bench with a scowl until the lesson ended.

Once, everyone had left, Louis came to Harry with a smile on his face. He sat next to Harry and the young boy sighed.

''PE isn't your favorite class, huh?'' he joked and Harry chuckled.

''Hate it. Was I too embarrassing?''

''Kinda. You didn't get to play for more two minutes. How is your junk?'' Louis said, playfully and Harry let out a whine.

''My junk is perfectly fine, thank you very much.''

''I can take you home, if you're too hurt to walk.''

''Stop being ridiculous.'' Harry said, standing up and he went to the men lockers in order to change and get home.

''It was fun.'' Louis called out and Harry just waved his hand without turning around to look at him again. This gym class was embarrassing enough for him not wanting to face Louis again for the rest of his life.


''Come on, Haz. Let's go, I'm literally begging you.'' Niall whined, as he plopped himself on Harry's bed.

''Ni, I'm way too tired and I hate parties.'' Harry whined back.

''It's our last year and we're going. This is supposed to be the biggest party for this year and we're so going. I'm getting your mother.'' Niall said, trying to leave the bed and Harry falls on his body in order to stop him. The blonde boy lets out a loud groan and Harry covers his mouth with his hands. He knows that if Niall tells Anne about a party, she will insist that Harry will go out and socialize, but he was not interested in doing anything of the sort. Partying was something he deeply hated and so was socializing. All he wanted to do was have a nice quiet night at his place and maybe watch something with his mother.

Niall made muffled noises, while licking Harry's hand and the boy removed his hand, making a disgusted face. He got off Niall and his Irish mate went to his closet.

''Let me find what you'll wear.''

''No, I'll choose.'' he said and quickly added when he saw Niall's eyes lit up, ''if I go.''

''You will.'' Niall beamed and rushed to wrap his arms around Harry's figure.

''We'll see.'' he answered and went to the closet in order to find some clothes to wear tonight.


Louis was pretty caught up into dancing with a pretty little thing named Jackson, when he saw a familiar mop of curls pop up next to him.

''Wanna go upstairs?'' Jackson whispered in Louis' ear in an attempt to seduce him and maybe Louis would have said yes, if it wasn't for the familiar pair of long legs and the slim, small waist, walking into the room.

''Excuse me.'' Louis told him and let go of him, as he tried following Harry, who was going to the kitchen.

''Harry.'' he yelled over the loud music and leaned over to get a hold of Harry's wrist and the young boy turned around, surprised.

''Oh, hi, Louis.'' he smiled at him and Louis was at loss of words with what he was seeing. He looked stunning as usual with mascara on his lashes, making his eyes look much greener and more sparkly. His cheeks were pinker than usual, a bit of blush giving them a more flushed look and the cherry-colored lip gloss he was wearing made his lips juicier and Louis tried to control himself in order for him not to just kiss him.

''Hi. What are you doing here?'' Louis asked him, since he had never seen Harry at a party and Louis had probably went to every possible party this high school had in the last four years.

''I literally have no freaking idea. Niall made me.'' Harry told him and the blue-eyed man chuckled.

''I assumed that parties aren't really your thing.''

''You're spot on.'' Harry giggled.

''Come on, booze always makes parties more fun.'' Louis said, taking Harry's hand and leading him in the kitchen.

''I don't drink.'' Harry was quick to say and Louis rolled his eyes.

''Haz, it's a party. You need to drink and let loose!'' Louis urged him, before continuing, ''Here's my favorite drink; redbull and vodka.'' he said and handed him a red plastic cup. Harry smelled the liquid, before taking a small sip and immediately made a face at the burning drink.

''You will get used to it in a while.'' Louis said, seeing his scrunched up face. Harry then downed the rest of the drink in one go.

''Woah.'' Louis mumbled, taking the cup from Harry.

''I want another one.'' he ordered him and Louis prepared drinks for both of them. Harry clinked their cups together and took a huge gulp.

''Since this is my first and last party, I'm gonna get pissed drunk just to see the hype.'' Harry said and Louis chuckled.


''I don't feel like I'm drunk. Am I drunk? You look weird. Or do I look weird? Come on, let's dance.'' Harry mumbled at Louis, before dragging him to the dancefloor. They were both pretty wasted at this point, doing shots and stuff, so they weren't really thinking. Harry wrapped his arms around Louis' neck, as they moved their bodies to the music. Louis moved his mouth closer to Harry's ear.

''I really like you, Harry.''

Harry looked at Louis, confused with his head titled. His face broke into a smile and he brought Louis into a bone-crushing hug over the loud music.

''I like you too!'' he beamed at him.

''I really wanna kiss you.'' Louis mumbled, wrapping his arms around Harry's waist and had his face buried in Harry's neck, inhaling the vanilla scent.

''I've never been kissed before.'' Harry told him and Louis pulled him away from the dance floor and led him outside at the balcony. Harry felt the cold air hit his face and Louis took off his leather jacket, putting it on Harry's shoulders. The younger boy smiled softly at him, his eyes a bit droopy.

''Can I kiss you?'' Louis asked him and at this point he didn't know what the hell he was talking about. He expected Harry to slap him across the face and just leave, but he was drunk out of his mind and it was his shot to kiss Harry and show him his feelings. Even if neither of them remembered anything the next morning.

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