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''Can I kiss you?'' Louis asked and Harry blinked a few times at the blue-eyed boy, as if he was trying to think his words through. When Louis had lost all hope and was just expecting Harry to walk out, the young boy went on his tip toes and fitted his lips against Louis'. The blue-eyed man just stood there for a few seconds, trying to understand what was going on, but then, he wrapped his arms around Harry's waist and pulled him closer. Louis sucked on Harry's bottom lip and the young boy whined a bit into the kiss. He hesitated a bit before opening his mouth and let Louis push his tongue in. When Harry's tongue and Louis' touched, Harry felt a strange feeling at the bit of his stomach and his whole body felt as it was on fire. He wrapped his arms around Louis' neck and their bodies collided.

After a while, they pulled away, noses pressing against each other's cheeks. Harry looked up at Louis, surprised and the blue-eyed boy reached over and bit Harry's lower lips, softly, before colliding their lips again. Harry let out a small moan and Louis placed his one hand on Harry's cheek, kissing him softly and the other hand on his lower back. He pushed his tongue in Harry's mouth, licking every corner of his mouth and Harry let another small whine. Louis pulled slowly away, planting kisses on Harry's lips, softly. Once they were completely separated, Harry gave him a small watery smile and Louis grinned at him.

''Harry! Thank God, you're here. I thought you were gone!'' Niall suddenly barged in the balcony and Harry jumped a bit scared. Louis let go of Harry's body.

''Ni!'' Harry squealed and he was quick to wrap his arms around his Irish friend.

''Jesus, I didn't believe you would drink, but you disappeared immediately! I've been looking for you for half an hour!'' Niall said and he turned to look at Louis.

''I hope you didn't do anything suspicious.'' he eyed him up and down and dragged Harry back into the party in order to take him home without waiting for Louis to answer at all. Harry turned his face and threw his head slightly back and blew Harry a kiss. Louis smiled at him and waved goodbye at the young boy.


''That was the last time I'm drinking that much.'' Harry whined, pushing his head in the couch cushion and his mother cooed at him, handing him a mug of steaming tea. Harry took a small sip and immediately moaned.

''Baby, it's hot. You'll burn your tongue.'' she warned him.

''Too late.'' he mumbled.

''I thought you hated drinking.''

''I thought so too, but apparently I went kinda wild last night. Niall was shocked.'' Harry chuckled to himself and immediately winced at the pain.

''I'm glad you went out last night, though. Hope you had fun.'' she said and Harry smiled at her.

''Will you be okay? There's mac and cheese in the microwave, just heat it up, yeah? Call me if you need anything.'' she said and planted a kiss on his curls. She got up and grabbed her bag, slipping on her shoes for her shift at the hospital and Harry gave her a smile.

''Will do. I love you.'' he said.

''I love you too, baby.'' she smiled at him and blew him a small kiss.

Harry: im litearaky dying

Niall: Im guessing you're still drunk.

Harry: stfu I hate you sm

Niall: because I ended your make out session with louis?

Harry furrowed his eyebrows confused at Niall's text message and tried recalling that memory in his head, but the last thing he remembered was taking some shots with Louis and then everything was a blur.

Harry: ????

Niall: I found you and Louis all lovey dovey and drunk off your asses on a balcony with your hands all over each other. God knows what would have happened if I hadn't walked in on you two.

Harry: oh my god???!!!!! I do NOT believe you. there's no way. me? and louis? no!!!

Niall: you? and louis? yes!!!

Harry: im gonna go throw up now, bye.

Harry was so confused right now at Niall's news. He doesn't even remember kissing Louis or even spending the party with him. What the heck? He hoped Louis did not remember it, 'cause Harry didn't like him like that. That was his first kiss too. God, he doesn't even remember his first kiss and it was a big deal for Harry. He didn't wanna make a big deal out of it, he didn't want the fireworks, the stars, the flowers or any fucking fancy dinner, but he would appreciate it if it was with someone he actually liked.

Maybe they didn't kiss and they were just going to? Yeah, that was probably it. Harry would have remembered such an important milestone. There's no way they kissed. Harry let out a loud whine and climbed the stairs (more like crawled on them), trying to get to his room and get some more sleep and clear his head a bit.

Once he managed to reach his room, out of breath and completely spinning, he got to his feet in an attempt to fall on his bed. Fucking shit, why did he choose an upstairs room? He fell on his bed, when he noticed a leather jacket thrown to his desk chair. He whined, reaching out to grab it and feel the cool fabric on his fingertips. He realized that it was Louis' and recalled the familiar heaviness of it on his shoulders last night. He leaned in and inhaled the mixed smell of cigarettes, musk, light cologne and even a bit of baby powder, that brought back memories from last night. Harry felt like he was in that balcony with Louis and he could almost feel Louis' lips on his and he realized that him and Louis had in fact kissed.


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